TGF Official Amp Mesa Boogie Mark series. Join the fun and get one today!

Careful. I’m getting strong Bugera vibes. I’d be interested to see if it’s quality parts inside these things, I don’t know how he’d get the parts for a Mark amp and be able to sell it for that price.

Me neither lol

I will be posting gut shots when it arrives
Circling this convo back to actual boogies……

Went to a Christmas jam party/white elephant this evening. Brought the purple stripe and thiele out. This band is a 7+ piece jam/funk band. I’ve sat in with them a bunch and filled in fully on guitar for a couple shows. Almost have always used my ‘76 deluxe reverb but damn, after tonight I should’ve always been bringing a mark lolol

Triple boogie shindig on stage, my III, a Fillmore, and a mini recto. III just so punchy on the cleans, almost too overpowering compared to the other two amps lol. And fuckin a, lead sounds way sicker with native amp tones than any OD config I’ve ever done on the DR with these guys

Biggest downside… fuckin broken E string upon arrival. 3 guitarists and no one had an extra pack of strings lol. Had a cobalt B string in my pedalboard bag so I jammed that on there, not pleasant but enough to make it through the night

What speakers you got in the cabs?
The Mode Four cab, which I actually bought from @fiftyshadesofslay years ago now, has K100's in it. Think it was £250 all told. The Egnater has Chinese V30's, and it sounds absolutely stellar. I got that from GuitarGuitar back in 2013 for £300.

All of yesterday was testing out a few different combinations of amps, and different sets of stereo friendly pedalboard setups too. Proper hog heaven of a day!
The Mode Four cab, which I actually bought from @fiftyshadesofslay years ago now, has K100's in it. Think it was £250 all told. The Egnater has Chinese V30's, and it sounds absolutely stellar. I got that from GuitarGuitar back in 2013 for £300.

All of yesterday was testing out a few different combinations of amps, and different sets of stereo friendly pedalboard setups too. Proper hog heaven of a day!
I’m just now realizing your MW Recto didn’t make the photo? You trying to give it an eating disorder??

I’ve dabbled in stereo a bit - interested in your thought process approaching dialing in the amps.

I fluctuate between dialing in balanced tones for each amp and blending with volume versus dialing in extreme settings to focus each amp on one part of the spectrum and blending that way (ex. Recto with lots of extra low end blended with a Marshall with virtually no bass and mids/highs pushed way up)
I’m just now realizing your MW Recto didn’t make the photo? You trying to give it an eating disorder??

The Mark V and Recto actually work really well together too, but I was sorta ape-ing the Adam Jones thing. So first I used the Mark V as the 'Marshall' sound, with the VH4. Mark V was on the crunch mode on channel 2, and they sounded really good together. Then I switched over to Mark V and JVM to see what the difference was. There was definitely more tonal difference between the two amps when using the VH4, but the JVM and Mark sound more 'solid' and cohesive; almost like a single amp cranked really loudly, rather than two individual amps. Both options are cool!

I’ve dabbled in stereo a bit - interested in your thought process approaching dialing in the amps.
So definitely don't go as loud on the volumes as you would when just using one amp, and you can also afford to dial the gain back a bit. It can be helpful to think of one amp as the 'treble' or cut amp, and the other amp as the 'body' or low end density amp. The VH4 was good for that.

I fluctuate between dialing in balanced tones for each amp and blending with volume versus dialing in extreme settings to focus each amp on one part of the spectrum and blending that way (ex. Recto with lots of extra low end blended with a Marshall with virtually no bass and mids/highs pushed way up)
Yeah that second approach can be absolutely awesome if you get it dialed in right.

I had my GigRig G3 at the front end, so I could flip the phase on output two on a per-preset basis. So it can switch channels and correct the phase at the same time. Super powerful bit of kit.
I had my GigRig G3 at the front end, so I could flip the phase on output two on a per-preset basis. So it can switch channels and correct the phase at the same time. Super powerful bit of kit.
Yeah phase coherence is a really important aspect that a lot of stereo rigs miss.

It’s funny you’re poking at the Adam Jones thing. I have intentions to do the same with my Recto and Superlead soon. Those early tones are so cool. You better find yourself a BF-2 if you don’t already have one. It’s def part of the thing.
Possibly blasphemy, but I plugged into my IV today briefly, and quickly ditched it and went back to the III… even though I’m faking the GEQ with the III with the stomp :eek:

The III was just kinda crushing it

In fairness to the IV, I’m talking about home playing in this particular scenario. I use the captor attenuator with both at home, but the IV has a lot more output juice and does need a lil more cranking even then to get to the sweet spot
Possibly blasphemy, but I plugged into my IV today briefly, and quickly ditched it and went back to the III… even though I’m faking the GEQ with the III with the stomp :eek:

The III was just kinda crushing it

In fairness to the IV, I’m talking about home playing in this particular scenario. I use the captor attenuator with both at home, but the IV has a lot more output juice and does need a lil more cranking even then to get to the sweet spot
The III is IMO the sweet spot where you can get a tighter, more refined version of the mark sound than the II but still more open/lively/less compressed than the IV.

I’ve been playing my III a lot lately as well. I recently discovered that the Way Huge Green Rhino sounds unbelievably good through the clean channel with my tele. It also is a great boost into the lead channel, something I rarely do.

Endless amount of awesome tones out of the III.
I was playing my V and messing with treble knob up and down to find that sweet spot and it powered off… fuse blown. Ordered a few packs rather than stealing from the JP2C and having no Mark until I figure out if it needs tubes or even something worse. Blah!
The III is IMO the sweet spot where you can get a tighter, more refined version of the mark sound than the II but still more open/lively/less compressed than the IV.

I’ve been playing my III a lot lately as well. I recently discovered that the Way Huge Green Rhino sounds unbelievably good through the clean channel with my tele. It also is a great boost into the lead channel, something I rarely do.

Endless amount of awesome tones out of the III.

Haven’t had a green rhino in a minute but it’s always been a GOATed pedal in my mind

That low frequency knob is the shit
Hot take: very much enjoying using the III as a fully fledged 3 channel amp :sofa

R2 is a perfectly acceptable lower gain drive tone with knobs set to my desired clean/brootz balance. Particularly nice for lead work over clean rhythm tones when going full fledged lead channel is a bit much. I like it better than hitting the clean channel with a dirt pedal for that sort of thing :idk