TGF Do Something Challenge Season 7 Week 1


Stayed up past my bedtime to finish this one.. :grin
Mostly happy with it, although I'll probably wake up in the morning and hear something wrong with it. :ROFLMAO:

Well Done Reaction GIF
Nice! What gear did you use?

Thanks - it was 2 guitars:

Carvin DC150 w SD SH-5
Charvel SoCal w SD JBJ

Double tracked each using a bastardized form of:

Tsangarides' "Vortex" Micing Technique​

Using a combo of SM57 on speaker + room mic iRs.

"Amp" was Neural DSP Mesa Boogie 2c+ VST

EQ, tape satch, mix bus compression for guitars.

It's a very rough take.
I think I should stop messing around with this track. I redid the vocals and also worked really hard at the mix. This is the final product (which I have updated in the original post I made).

Really happy with the bass, in particular. I've been thinking of selling my Warwick Vampyre SN-5, because I've always felt it sounded anaemic. But this mix really brought it out, in my humble opinion.
I think I should stop messing around with this track. I redid the vocals and also worked really hard at the mix. This is the final product (which I have updated in the original post I made).

Really happy with the bass, in particular. I've been thinking of selling my Warwick Vampyre SN-5, because I've always felt it sounded anaemic. But this mix really brought it out, in my humble opinion.

Yeah, i think the bass sounds really good in that mix! I say keep it ;~))
I did something this morning.

Cover of Nocturne. By Julian Lage.

Please edit your post to include the text #cover-song! This will help us more quickly and accurately count all submissions at the end of the week and season ;~)) See original post of this thread if you would like additional details of what and why we are asking for that!! Thanks!!!
My general theme for recording is get in and go without too much time spent thinking about it, but since this is turning out pretty decent I want to to take a bit more time with the last bit of it because I can easily tank it by just throwing down whatever on it and calling it a day.
I know! Just giving you shit. I seem to be going the opposite direction for better or worse. :grin:roflI just need to set aside more time to actually play. I've been slacking these past few months.