I'm absolutely covered for Fender cleans and Marshall-based drive tones with the BluGuitar.
If I'm to entertain the Synergy stuff, it's most likely going to be Z-Wreck for lower gain, but I'm still figuring out which higher gain capable module would be cool. IICP is the front-runner, but I might get frustrated by the fiddly sliders on it.
Ya I honestly want the head just to check it out and for studio should be able to get a great sound
I don’t love the 84s I wish w they had kept the 5881 or even a 6v6 but it at the loud volumes that the 84s really start to get a little brash to my ears , home studio won’t hit those levels
I just like all the ways it can be run
Headphones late night
Into my 212 for the amp in the room or / and into the DAW
Or the studio monitors with IRS and power amp sim simultaneously,
I think that would be a pretty inspiring way to track guitars IMO
Plus then being able to mix and match the preamp mods
W 2 cathode switch , 3 power amp response , 3 different Irs
That’s a pretty versatile machine
For modules I would want the DRZ I think maybe the Toneking
And for the Heavier side SLO
BE DLX catch my ear the most at the moment , the cool thing is if you don’t like one you can always just move it along and your out 370 vs 3000