Synergy Owners Thread

Everything is a compromise. If you use the same output method (cab or monitors) every input method you throw at it drags back to the center line to some degree. Same with using a single power amp, guitar, modeler, pedal etc. If variability at every step in the chain is important you’re free to go as wild as you want.
Kinda wondering if they're including the Power-Amp neural model they added to the IR-X recently in the SYN20:


.. marketing talk is right at home here lol


Price: 999 ... + tariffs lol


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Kinda wondering if they're including the Power-Amp neural model they added to the IR-X recently in the SYN20:

View attachment 37754

.. marketing talk is right at home here lol

View attachment 37756

Price: 999 ... + tariffs lol

ya I think so that's on the Power amp direct sim , that has the Low cut / Hit cut filtering for the power amp .

They list 13 Its , so likely all the ones from Friedman / Soldano Astro , under 1ms into a DAW is pretty wicked though

Oh your in Canada too ? lets hope Tarriffs don't get applied to musical stuff that's going to get awfully expensive on something like a PRS core that already 5000 or 6 k
Oh your in Canada too ? lets hope Tarriffs don't get applied to musical stuff that's going to get awfully expensive on something like a PRS core that already 5000 or 6 k
EU but it looks like we're going to be next
Nice so they're really cooking something with Marshall.
I wonder what it will be. I think a JVM module would be the coolest thing they could do, because there's already a JCM800 and two Superlead modules (Synergy and Metropoulos). But then again there's already several Friedman modules that do similar things.

A Marshall Plexi or JCM800 module would be just slapping the Marshall name on the Synergy modules. That would make official Marshall licensing a selling point, but entirely irrelevant for end users.

It could be an upgraded Plexi module with the "zero watt" poweramp thingy for simulating poweramp drive. Still kinda meh IMO.

A Plexi + JCM800 module? That would be nice.
I wonder what it will be. I think a JVM module would be the coolest thing they could do, because there's already a JCM800 and two Superlead modules (Synergy and Metropoulos). But then again there's already several Friedman modules that do similar things.

A Marshall Plexi or JCM800 module would be just slapping the Marshall name on the Synergy modules. That would make official Marshall licensing a selling point, but entirely irrelevant for end users.

It could be an upgraded Plexi module with the "zero watt" poweramp thingy for simulating poweramp drive. Still kinda meh IMO.

A Plexi + JCM800 module? That would be nice.
From some of the FB posts I read a while ago it seemed to be a Silver Jubilee preamp. JVM would be cool too; 2203KK would be another thing they could try to pull off (especially if they include a built-in noise gate; the TK module seems to have tremolo).
A Plexi + JCM800 module? That would be nice.
You should check out the Deliverance module - I would say it is a cross between the 2 amps.
Not that gainy but of course it handles boosts well.

For me it is the Eat em Smile tone
Damn, official Marshall modules, crazy. Dave scrambling on that Friedman Jose module. :ROFLMAO:

OD1 Orange, 900, Jubilee, make it happen.

It would be cool if Synergy, on the officially branded ones, would start making the faceplates and knobs colored to the theme of the designer. (Like the purple SLOII module etc) But then again if it would pump up the price disregard as they are perfectly priced.
You should check out the Deliverance module - I would say it is a cross between the 2 amps.
Not that gainy but of course it handles boosts well.

For me it is the Eat em Smile tone
I'm absolutely covered for Fender cleans and Marshall-based drive tones with the BluGuitar.

If I'm to entertain the Synergy stuff, it's most likely going to be Z-Wreck for lower gain, but I'm still figuring out which higher gain capable module would be cool. IICP is the front-runner, but I might get frustrated by the fiddly sliders on it.
I'm absolutely covered for Fender cleans and Marshall-based drive tones with the BluGuitar.

If I'm to entertain the Synergy stuff, it's most likely going to be Z-Wreck for lower gain, but I'm still figuring out which higher gain capable module would be cool. IICP is the front-runner, but I might get frustrated by the fiddly sliders on it.
Ya I honestly want the head just to check it out and for studio should be able to get a great sound
I don’t love the 84s I wish w they had kept the 5881 or even a 6v6 but it at the loud volumes that the 84s really start to get a little brash to my ears , home studio won’t hit those levels

I just like all the ways it can be run
Headphones late night
Into my 212 for the amp in the room or / and into the DAW
Or the studio monitors with IRS and power amp sim simultaneously,
I think that would be a pretty inspiring way to track guitars IMO

Plus then being able to mix and match the preamp mods
W 2 cathode switch , 3 power amp response , 3 different Irs
That’s a pretty versatile machine

For modules I would want the DRZ I think maybe the Toneking

And for the Heavier side SLO
BE DLX catch my ear the most at the moment , the cool thing is if you don’t like one you can always just move it along and your out 370 vs 3000
IICP is the front-runner, but I might get frustrated by the fiddly sliders on it.

This is one of those cases where a break from tradition would have helped by just making those sliders knobs for the module. Or, at least adding a rubber cover to the end of the slider for better control.

That said, it’s not that bad to use tbh and it sounds ace.
From some of the FB posts I read a while ago it seemed to be a Silver Jubilee preamp. JVM would be cool too; 2203KK would be another thing they could try to pull off (especially if they include a built-in noise gate; the TK module seems to have tremolo).
I think it’s the Jubilee that’s coming first
Perhaps BAD has licence with the new owners of Marshall and they had to wait for that to be announced
This is one of those cases where a break from tradition would have helped by just making those sliders knobs for the module. Or, at least adding a rubber cover to the end of the slider for better control.

That said, it’s not that bad to use tbh and it sounds ace.
I don't think you can win no matter what with the size chosen for the modules. Probably can't fit that many pots either, it's honestly impressive they've managed to fit the sliders in the first place.

I do wish they would have sacrificed the bright/shift switches for per channel T/M/B tho, even if that's not the original IIC concept.
I don't think you can win no matter what with the size chosen for the modules. Probably can't fit that many pots either, it's honestly impressive they've managed to fit the sliders in the first place.

For sure. It’s impressive it exists in the format at all. Fryette is the man. They could have added some rubber end caps to the sliders to help with grip and precision, I’ve actually thought about trying to find some myself.

It’s a sit and forget thing though. Once you get it dialed to taste you don’t dare touch them again. (Until your kids come in and start playing dj with the controls, ask me how I know lol)
I'm absolutely covered for Fender cleans and Marshall-based drive tones with the BluGuitar.

If I'm to entertain the Synergy stuff, it's most likely going to be Z-Wreck for lower gain, but I'm still figuring out which higher gain capable module would be cool. IICP is the front-runner, but I might get frustrated by the fiddly sliders on it.
I had the IICP but returned as I thought there was an issue with the clean channel in the Syn1 - the sliders were a little bit fiddly but prob more of a set and forget.

The most hi gain I have is the Powerball module which I think is rather good and a very versatile module - the green channel has a useable clean and crunch. The red has more gain then you could ever need.
Does Salvation Mods guy still actively build modules? And I assume they are compatible with the Syn docks?
Does Salvation Mods guy still actively build modules? And I assume they are compatible with the Syn docks?
Yes they do. I had 2 built in the past 2 years with them - just takes a bit of pestering them on Facebook Messenger to get the deal going.

Modules are compatible with the Synergy stuff, yes. I run them in my SYN1.