Yep. I understand. It's good to hear you had a good interaction with him and there is a possibility he may still be kicking around. I do think the modders (mostly him and 'Jaded Faith') were good for the MTS/Synergy market. I think in the Randall days it was more a necessity, but it would still be nice to be able to try out some more of Salvation and JF's takes on the modules without having to hunt down a used one.
The Module I got on the used market was the 'Camerock'; so that's my point of reference for his stuff, too. Definitely was always curious about the Cameron thing, so it was worth it to me to hunt that one down... but there are bunch more that'd be really fun to mess with.
If you have any future contact let him know he needs to raise his profile as there is still interest.

I'm still hunting for a 'Spawn' module on Reverb.