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Have you run it that way (or seen someone run it that way)? I don't see an example in the manual, and would assume that going out of the send, without ever coming back into the return, would...leave you with nothing on the balanced output. But perhaps my assumption is wrong.
I've just tried it and I get signal from both the output and the send.
It does say it in the manual but the diagram refers to adding additional effects and using a splitter box.

So it depends on your setup - but technically you can run both.
I wonder if they are all at lunch talking about the cost benefits of upgrading the Syn1 to be what the IRX is and Dave is sitting back smiling about his sales of the IRX or not? He may have called them up to say he will be late because he is finishing up his next IRX offering. Lol

Synergy is odd because there is no real face of the platform or roadmap. It goes long periods without anything, and then a module drops out of nowhere. Dave is about the only one that shares anything on it occasionally, and it’s generally just related to his modules.

There are so many cool and unique ways they could refresh or add to their enclosure and head offerings, but who knows what level of interest they have substantially expanding the platform.

I would guess given the success of the IRX, they are all quite interested in retrofitting their preamps for the IRX format.
I really wanted to love my Synergy setup but ultimately sold it. There were a few standout modules that I really loved, while most of them didn't feel better than using a modeler to me. I had hoped to use the SYN-1 as a tiny rig into my Fryette PS-1 and a 1x12 cab, as well as a simple recording setup with the direct out but all of the modules sounded anemic through the Fryette power amp and I thought the direct out sounded like garbage. I had better luck through the power amp of my 101b, but still not many of them sounded quite as good as I thought they should.

I really liked the Uberschall module though, I thought about just buying a SYN-30 and only using that one but ultimately my 101b could get close enough, so I didn't need both. They need to release an Orange-inspired module, I think that'd give new life to the platform. The 6505 release was a strange one to me, they already had the SLO which is close enough. The module is almost as expensive as a used 6505 head...
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