Sport climbing in Paris 2024!


Of all the types of climbing 'sport climbing' has been my favorite of mine for 30 years. we have a local cliff or 'crag' (hence my name 'cragginshred'). I have noted many first ascents. Blah blah :ROFLMAO:. In any case this youngsters are sooo strong growing up in gyms and climbing since they could walk.

Lastly, 'sport climbing' is where you clip bolts pre placed as you go as oppossed to 'trad or traditional climbing where you place cams and nuts in cracks. Trad climbing means you do not climb the insane overhangs and difficult grades sport climbers ascend. That's why I like it so much. And then there is the endurance aspect. You see where her feet cut loose and it gets really steep. This is where the 'pump' sets in and you have to try and manage it by resting on straight arms.
Remember trying to climb a rope in gym class?? This is way mot sustained -and fun!

Just ridiculous athleticism! Last note her parents are world class climbers. Mom is Robyn Erbesfield and was a world cup champ 30 years ago

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