In a world, where your fav modeler doesn't exist: What would be your pick?

Little bit of serendipity from this post...

I haven't even touched ToneX in a bit because I've been occupied by DynaCabs and, more recently, the Revv models. After I typed this, I fired up Tonex, decided to check @Deadpan's website, then saw they have a new Grano Fire pack. I picked it up, and spent the evening riffing.

Great stuff!
Glad you like it!

We're you using the full captures or the No Cab?
Helix Native is my main modeler. After owning (and selling) multiple HX Stomps & FM3s, an AX8, a Helix Rack and an FM9 I finally came to the conclusion that hardware modelers just aren‘t my cup of tea, workflow-wise. So if Helix Native wouldn‘t exist, I would have to choose another plugin… Metallurgy?

A Fractal plugin would be :chef