Some interesting news from Kemper (Profiler Player)

This video (the first 6-7 minutes at least) showcases pretty well what I always dislike whenever I play thru a kemper: that cocked-wah sound across all profiles and that piezo-like attack. Am I the only one hearing this? Tone in itself is not bad at all, it's just that I'm never able to dial out those two things (I don't own a kemper, a friend of mine does and from time to time he lets me give it a shot)
It just reinforces how much M.Britt profiles absolutely blow chunks, for me. Total goat cheese.
stripes lighten GIF
Would you guys rather that I just fight back and throw insults? I don't really see that going anywhere good. I can do that with the best of them. I just thought it better to have a rational conversation.
I really really REALLY think people are getting the wrong impression here - I am NOT talking about whether things sound good or not. I'm talking exclusively about accuracy. You really cannot expect 11+ year old technology to keep up with 1-3 year technology. That just isn't how the music tech space works at all.

Whether you enjoy the sounds or not is completely irrelevant to the discussion.
Thats why Fractal Audio Systems is the indisputable king in the Amp Modeling realm. They never stop evolving.
Would you guys rather that I just fight back and throw insults? I don't really see that going anywhere good. I can do that with the best of them. I just thought it better to have a rational conversation.
Pretty sure we'd rather you contributed to the actual topic of accuracy - which is what this sub-thread is about - rather than make silent but deadly farts in text form.

You don't care about accuracy. Okay cool. So why even bother replying to that particular sub discussion. No-one was attacking your choice in gear. It is a discussion about science. Not a discussion about how cool your mohawk may or may not be.
Interesting to hear that difference of opinion. Hmmmmmmm. Benny Elffin isn't usually prone to hyperbole. I'm still interested to check it out. Even though I hate Kemper. Because I'm a massively interred h8r. Or something.
It's not just my difference of opinion, it's his own:
Once C.K announced L.P ...

-> the Kemper finger-print "mid-range-compressed-hump" is totally gone
Actually, even if you do a ground up new L.P .... if you leave the controls unchanged and just set the Amp Channel to generic it will sound and respond %100 identically to a Legacy Profile.