Reverb/Delay Pedal for someone who doesn't need reverb delay

I split my left index finger open one night just before a gig while stripping wires with a borrowed Swiss Army Knife. Best I could do was wrap it with Band-Aids, and grit my way through the set. Needless to say, I never made that mistake again.
It sucks! I feel like the string perfectly slots into it 🫠

But yeah I've been covering it and I think I should be good to go for today.
Echo Fix is a great balance between size and being a real spring. Even with the better spring algorithms, it’s still a case of “like a spring” vs “it’s a spring”. Real ones are just cooler IMO.

I have a Surfy Bear too, I think if that all important *shudder* DRIP/authenticity is important then it’s worth factoring in the size and designing around it.
The HX one is just a blast to use. I'm somewhat familiar with the HX UI but to me this is more simplified (which makes sense since it isn't a full modeler).

@Orvillain I'll try to work on preset switching tonight!