[PSA] Line 6 Helix Native and Metallurgy on sale, 50% off

bought the metallurgy stuff finally, just way more convenient for me to have as standalone and with a UI. The thrash one is solid, I really like the Mark IV and BE100 models.

Things I would like to see down the line:

- A few quality of life updates to them to make them a little more slick to use. Some knobs move kind of funny, UI can be small on some screens, some graphics could be clearer/less tacky/less congested. HW I/O would be way more convenient if it can display the track names provided by the driver rather than just a number (can be annoying when using converters with a lot of I/O).

- Vitriol crunch channel sounds fucked to me. I thought this when I demo’d it on release and it still sounds buggered to me. Kind of important because there is no other 5150 crunch channel in the Helix world. It’s the same in Helix and Metallurgy, and IMO it’s simply broken sounding.

- A new pack with Uberschall / Recto / Matchless / SLO.

- Another pack with Vox / plexi’s / Trainwreck / Fender Deluxe

I think they’re excellent products but feel a little thrown together quickly rather than something really pushing into new territory. For £80 or so, it’s well worth it for me but I think if Line 6 really want to make a dent in that market they could do with a bit of a tidy up (and going balls deep in the marketing/social media game).
Is Metallurgy a worthy purchase, if you’ve already got Helix Native? Or is it the Office of Redundant Redundancy Office?
Is Metallurgy a worthy purchase, if you’ve already got Helix Native? Or is it the Office of Redundant Redundancy Office?
I find it easy to get a great tone less time than native and it’s more enjoyable to look at
It’s the little things I know but I play better based on the aesthetic
Is Metallurgy a worthy purchase, if you’ve already got Helix Native? Or is it the Office of Redundant Redundancy Office?
I think if you like something akin to the NDSP workflow - preconfigured routing, a GUI, standalone app+plugin then perhaps. Still a little pricey given you’ll have all the available tones.

I’m happy to have if, but wouldn’t have paid more than the current sale price. I posted some other thoughts above.
- Vitriol crunch channel sounds f****d to me. I thought this when I demo’d it on release and it still sounds buggered to me. Kind of important because there is no other 5150 crunch channel in the Helix world. It’s the same in Helix and Metallurgy, and IMO it’s simply broken sounding.
How so??
when the preamp gain is up it farts out like a broken fuzz pedal which the amp absolutely does not do. When i did this demonstrating the issue, I had an Invective in the studio and I’ve also owned a 6505 previously and still own a block letter 5150. Only happens on the crunch channel, lead channel is cushty.

this exaggerates it just to show but it still makes the model useless to me until it’s fixed :(
