Potential Mesa Reissues? IIC+ and Dual Rec

I think people misconstrue some of Mesas weird layout and design ideas with the amps being unreliable.

My experience has been consistent with yours. I’ve gigged Mesa stuff for 25 years. I’ve never had an issue that wasn’t tube related.

My old Dual Rectifier tumbled off the stage at a show and hung by the speaker and power cable for a couple mins WHILE WE FINISHED THE SONG. Never missed a beat.
Yeah for sure. I don't think I've ever said "these amps are cleanly laid out, make perfect sense, and techs that complain are dummies" :rofl .
So you're right on there. Maybe the PCB boards aren't as good as Friedman's. But it doesn't seem to matter.
Honestly, I’d grab a Triiple Multi-Watt and send it to Ground Zero for some custom tuning.
Those Multi’s are killer l’s as is but there’s a few areas of feel & response I’d like wired in.
No refining,
This whole reissue thing is a big money grab.
Well I’ll go grab it myself.
The problem is that I’ve known a few techs, and some of them clutch their pearls when they see a Mesa, others think it’s not a big deal.
Yeah...but most freak out when they think of repairs on a PCB..... that's not that big of a deal....one can always make a new trace if necessary.....PCBs are far more forgiving than most know....a good tech won't even blink.
I also want Ground Zero to mod me up one of those Bogner Telos.
I had & loved that smp like my right nut but where the bass frequencies sat was too bloaty for my punch in the grunt.
I actually hit him up to mod a Stilletto Ace….
-the 3 modes in channel 2:
JTM 50-Crunch
Jose hybrid -Tite Gain
CCV -Fluid Drive

The clean channel is dope AF in the Ace, but some cruncher’s could be added in the right spots…
We’ll see……Mod..me.
Anyone know what's involved in replacing a thermostat in a car made in the past 30 years?

this one's easy, just a little tripac tho

No, that'll be the next offering: Mark IIC+ "Murphy Lab" relicked edition :rofl

well, I hope so! cause that means the used market will crash, and we can all get old marks for $900 all day again. and if they go back to production, then they'll have marks on the brain again in Petaluma, and there won't be any worries of future hypothetical arsenals of Mark IV's going unserviced
If I was going to pay that price ..I would just save and buy a real one.

But I wouldn't do any of that.
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