
The omni verb is fantastic, very utilitarian pedal. I have it pretty much always on with my ENGL thunder on a light plate setting. All the modes sound great though. If you just need a standard flexible reverb for practical use I can't recommend it enough. Obviously I have the Afterneath there to for the crazy stuff

Been thinking of a Afterneath for while, amongst other quirky reverbs. Can’t seem to decide, there’s to many to choose from :P I need to try the afterneath for myself…

Been thinking of a Afterneath for while, amongst other quirky reverbs. Can’t seem to decide, there’s to many to choose from :p I need to try the afterneath for myself…

I love the afterneath :love especially this V3 version. I Loved the OG but the addition of the modes knob giving you all the different scale options and the expression pedal makes for some seriously trippy fun
Just gonna throw this out there-

If any of you who take the rat’s nest approach to cable “management” are passing through South Florida, feel free to stop by my place or drop off your board, I’ll GLADLY cut the cables to length, ziptie them down and make it all nice and neat with cable ties and Dual-Lock the pedals down. I’m not one who is easily triggered, but I need to pop a xany after seeing a 6” cable being used to connect pedals 3” apart. :rofl
Here's my mess of a board 😁
This was my last version of my Holeyboard before I had to take it apart to make space... I still have everything but had to move into a smaller area and just did not have the space.

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Replay box. I had one when they first came out. Have you ever heard an “clock” or “click” sound coming from it… like the repeats are constantly sending out a signal. I had that problem and T-Rex replaced it with a new one that had the same issue. It was mostly obvious using real amp and cab in a band setting, the volumes exaggerated the problem kinda. Was really weird to hear that click click click click. So i moved on and got another pedal. Maybe they fixed that? Because it’s a good delay pedal.
Replay box. I had one when they first came out. Have you ever heard an “clock” or “click” sound coming from it… like the repeats are constantly sending out a signal. I had that problem and T-Rex replaced it with a new one that had the same issue. It was mostly obvious using real amp and cab in a band setting, the volumes exaggerated the problem kinda. Was really weird to hear that click click click click. So i moved on and got another pedal. Maybe they fixed that? Because it’s a good delay pedal.
Nah never had that problem actually. What I like about the replay box is the volume past noon starts to add mojo to your tone. It was real obvious with my Pink Taco, it actually added a slight bit of gain in a beefy way. I haven't actually used it in awhile, I should probably see about that clicking, you got me curious.
This is one of the last versions of my big board I used with the Jubilee.

SIgnal Pad (latley replaced with a custom made version of it) is used for lowering volume for rythm parts because I didn't like how the jubilee reacted to boosting some db into the loop return.

the pzamp pedal next to it was used to balance volumes between clean and lead channels.

Tone Job eq is used as an additional boost in front of the jubilee, placed after the fat boost.

The mooer looper/switcher was used to mostly change amp channels and turning boosts on and off.
If i recall correct, after several iterations, I landed on a 4 presets and one switch assigned to modulations (all of them going into the same loop) configuration.

Off: jubilee lead channel, no boosts
1: jubilee clean
2: lead channel + fat bosst
3. lead channel + fat boost + tone job


When our band left the private rehearsal room where we kept our stuff I've build a small pedal board because the big one was too big and tied to the jubilee and I didn't want to bring both at every band practice.

So this is what I used for a while, lol.

Mooer PB.jpg

Super light but basically meh and too, too different from my main board. I hated doing rehearsals with this one and gigs with the one above. was too confusing.

Few months later I've sold everything and bough an Helix Floor and never looked back.
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My current board, which operates with an RG16 in a baby rack under the amp for switching boosts/ods in and out (and flanger/phaser)

Going to replace the triple king either a nemesis delay and also add the ce2 and dm2 to it (currently in rack)

Love the temple audio system, even if it ends up being quite expensive :s

My current board, which operates with an RG16 in a baby rack under the amp for switching boosts/ods in and out (and flanger/phaser)

Going to replace the triple king either a nemesis delay and also add the ce2 and dm2 to it (currently in rack)

Love the temple audio system, even if it ends up being quite expensive :s
That Gilbert Flanger is nuts in the best way! Friend had one and it was probably the most not appropriate for anything we did pedal ever but boy did it make some neat sounds!

I went on a tuner hunt recently. Love the Polytune clip on I have. I narrowed it down to the pedal, the turbo tuner and the strobo stomp. Couldn't bring myself to pull the trigger and add it to my board just yet. I am 97% polytune but part of me kind of wants a turbo tuner.
That Gilbert Flanger is nuts in the best way! Friend had one and it was probably the most not appropriate for anything we did pedal ever but boy did it make some neat sounds!

I went on a tuner hunt recently. Love the Polytune clip on I have. I narrowed it down to the pedal, the turbo tuner and the strobo stomp. Couldn't bring myself to pull the trigger and add it to my board just yet. I am 97% polytune but part of me kind of wants a turbo tuner.
i love the take off mode, it is so out there its amazing and just near unusable in a fun way (ie, you'd get away with it once).

The polytune is great. It tunes, handles low tunings and is really really easy to see. Tuning pedals, not that much in it tbh, so I figured something i can see easy on stage was the way to go
Yeah that's exactly what I remember about the pedal. Bunch of cool weirdo stuff I would love to use just to see the look on bandmates faces :rofl

My current board, which operates with an RG16 in a baby rack under the amp for switching boosts/ods in and out (and flanger/phaser)

Going to replace the triple king either a nemesis delay and also add the ce2 and dm2 to it (currently in rack)

Love the temple audio system, even if it ends up being quite expensive :s

Now that's huge!
How do you integrate the commander with the voodoo swithcer?
Just started this one this morning on a DIY board I made with 2 pieces of wood and a couple door stoppers. For my Katana. Haven't decided yet if I am going with drilling holes and zip ties or that 3m grip lock stuff. I know one thing the velcro is going bye bye. Going to put a handle at the top too. Hard to tell but the top row is raised quite a bit, allowing for plenty of room without mistakes. No AC power needed for any of it.

Also still kind of wanting my Weeping Demon wah instead of the Vox and maybe try to fit my modified Vintage Tube Monster on there instead of the Sparkle Drive.

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Now that's huge!
How do you integrate the commander with the voodoo swithcer?
literally just midi out -> midi in. The px8 I have so that I can (if i want) switch an effect in on a patch when i want so I have some freedom but still have patches.

I tried using the GCX but either the GCX has an issue and is broken or i didn't do something right in the setup, but it wouldn't work. The commander is great though, cheap, and I'm powering it via a USB Module in the side of the temple audio board.

My bandmates do look at me like I am ridicuous because of the board size, but hey, I'm carrying it :D
Also, the midi is then travelling to the RG16 in the rack, which then switches the roadking 2 and does some more pedals in there (ones where I don't want to touch the settings) Basically i hate tap dancing, and I'd like everything in a rack, excpet that I a'm using tap tempo on delays etc to match tempo of songs, so they need to be on the board
Just started this one this morning on a DIY board I made with 2 pieces of wood and a couple door stoppers. For my Katana. Haven't decided yet if I am going with drilling holes and zip ties or that 3m grip lock stuff. I know one thing the velcro is going bye bye. Going to put a handle at the top too. Hard to tell but the top row is raised quite a bit, allowing for plenty of room without mistakes. No AC power needed for any of it.

Also still kind of wanting my Weeping Demon wah instead of the Vox and maybe try to fit my modified Vintage Tube Monster on there instead of the Sparkle Drive.

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Yeah I think I'd like this more betterer. That Vintage tube monster is good by itself but with that TS7 driving into it, it's total fire. The Weeping Demon is a far better Wah than the 847
