This is one of the last versions of my big board I used with the Jubilee.
SIgnal Pad (latley replaced with a custom made version of it) is used for lowering volume for rythm parts because I didn't like how the jubilee reacted to boosting some db into the loop return.
the pzamp pedal next to it was used to balance volumes between clean and lead channels.
Tone Job eq is used as an additional boost in front of the jubilee, placed after the fat boost.
The mooer looper/switcher was used to mostly change amp channels and turning boosts on and off.
If i recall correct, after several iterations, I landed on a 4 presets and one switch assigned to modulations (all of them going into the same loop) configuration.
Off: jubilee lead channel, no boosts
1: jubilee clean
2: lead channel + fat bosst
3. lead channel + fat boost + tone job
When our band left the private rehearsal room where we kept our stuff I've build a small pedal board because the big one was too big and tied to the jubilee and I didn't want to bring both at every band practice.
So this is what I used for a while, lol.
Super light but basically meh and too, too different from my main board. I hated doing rehearsals with this one and gigs with the one above. was too confusing.
Few months later I've sold everything and bough an Helix Floor and never looked back.