
Pedalboard number 1 is used in front of the Suhr Bella NR:


Diamond Comp at 18v for lots of headroom, so it's dialled in pretty subtle. Just fattens my single coils a lil' bit.

"Pedalboard" number 2 is just an FM3 into an SS power amp + cab. No need to post that photo!
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The two Fractal boards, which are on the boring side-

The big board was my first time building a board (the actual board itself) and I learned my lesson in using hand saws to cut straight, metal edges. :rofl The smaller one was my 2nd attempt that went a bit better. Eventually I'll figure out exactly what I want to keep on the FM9 board and get everything mounted/wired properly. Everything is going to leave the board via breakout box so I don't have to stress the jacks on the FM9. I might end up sticking a pedal or two on there, definitely a Freqout. (The Freqout is in my III rack, the little black box on the FC6 board activates the loop for it).

The last few weeks I've been playing with all of these and figuring out what's going on a board, what's not and what else I "need". After I tripped on this pile last night, instead of getting mad I just smiled that I tripped over a pile of pedals in front of an FM9. My apartment is like heaven for 15 year old me.

The two Fractal boards, which are on the boring side-

The big board was my first time building a board (the actual board itself) and I learned my lesson in using hand saws to cut straight, metal edges. :rofl The smaller one was my 2nd attempt that went a bit better. Eventually I'll figure out exactly what I want to keep on the FM9 board and get everything mounted/wired properly. Everything is going to leave the board via breakout box so I don't have to stress the jacks on the FM9. I might end up sticking a pedal or two on there, definitely a Freqout. (The Freqout is in my III rack, the little black box on the FC6 board activates the loop for it).

The last few weeks I've been playing with all of these and figuring out what's going on a board, what's not and what else I "need". After I tripped on this pile last night, instead of getting mad I just smiled that I tripped over a pile of pedals in front of an FM9. My apartment is like heaven for 15 year old me.

About to pull out the Terra 42 and put the SY and FM on it :bag
Easily the best thing posted on this forum so far!

You should have seen the TGP thread that ensued from it.... hysterical .... in typical TGP fashion a few guys doubled down with Alicen
and also saw pubes where none actually existed.

I am still working off the bad karma from descerating a Wampler pedal with..... uhmmm.... cat pubes, though. :rofl
OMG! The fucking thread still exists. I shudder sending more views their way, but it is a f'ing riot reading the comments.

OMG! The f*****g thread still exists. I shudder sending more views their way, but it is a f'ing riot reading the comments.

Yep, complete with the “what’s a woman doing not making sammiches”! At least TGP is consistent with that sh*t.

I would have told her “Lady, there hasn’t been a pube that long in my vicinity EVER. I was born in ‘82, by the time my generation grew pubes the whole world thought they were gross.”
OMG! The f*****g thread still exists. I shudder sending more views their way, but it is a f'ing riot reading the comments.

"Thanks for your concern regarding the cleanliness of my house, and the quality of the used items I have for sale on eBay. I am sorry you don't like pubic hairs. As you can see from my stellar feedback, as a seller on eBay, that most people seem to enjoy free pubic hairs at no extra charge.

Maybe Nova Scotians are different, and have not yet developed the evolved taste it requires to appreciate the refinement and quality that goes into artfully placing a pubic hair in just the right position, under just the right light.

Thanks again for taking time out of your, clearly, busy schedule to enlighten me. The world would be a better place with more people like you in it.


Yep, complete with the “what’s a woman doing not making sammiches”! At least TGP is consistent with that sh*t.

I would have told her “Lady, there hasn’t been a pube that long in my vicinity EVER. I was born in ‘82, by the time my generation grew pubes the whole world thought they were gross.”

We are both smart enough to know the Pube-obsessed lady was clearly sexually repressed and that is why it is
was gushing out all over her message to me. Paging, Dr. Freud? Dr. Freud?? ;)
Niiiiice! Tasty stuff there.

The Omni reverb, how would you describe it and what does it do for you there.

The omni verb is fantastic, very utilitarian pedal. I have it pretty much always on with my ENGL thunder on a light plate setting. All the modes sound great though. If you just need a standard flexible reverb for practical use I can't recommend it enough. Obviously I have the Afterneath there to for the crazy stuff