OMG the Revv Glennfricker sig

I dont believe so. It may have been Promised Land but not 100% sure. I feel like I remember him saying it was in the mid 90's.

Nah, JT is right. No one in their right mind would let Fricker anywhere near Promised Land.

It was when Tate got fired but before they legally settled who was keeping the name, so Geoff hurriedly released 'Queensryche- F.U." and it was so rushed, the first mix only brought on complaints from the fans, so the label quickly hired a bunch of random producers to re-mix the album, with Fricker being one of them. Then they didn't pay him for it.

It's a Queensryche-titled album that Geoff sang on....kind of like the last few releases he was on with the band since the actual band was barely playing/writing during that time. It was only put out in an effort to get ahead of the actual band releasing an album first and to steal whatever thunder he could from them. It failed, miserably. :rofl
I've said this elsewhere, but I wouldn't care about Fricker if he were just an annoying Youtuber, I don't HAVE to watch his content.

What made me dislike him was waking up during one of his livestreams where was critiquing mixes, that I believe his members pay extra for him to do, or their youtube membership to his channel gets them in the door. One of the first things I heard out of his mouth was "Learn how to sing before your record vocals" and it wasn't a joke, it was an asshole comment to an obvious beginner. I watched for about 20 minutes and while he'd occasionally give out a compliment or something almost-usable for advice, it was mostly him just trashing on his members. I couldn't think of something more disheartening than being a beginner who looks up to this Youtuber, sends him their music they're probably REALLY stoked about putting together in their beginner stage, only to have him insult you to his thousands of followers.

Maybe I'm missing something and the insults are like having Don Rickles roast you, but I did not catch that vibe a single bit. The vibe I DID catch was gatekeeping, 40+ year old metalhead being a piece of sh*t to people looking for legit advice. F*ck that guy.
Damn right Drew.

You can be a hard ass if you want but the most effective way is to occasionally mix in humility and empathy. You’re loud and angry because you’re passionate.

Instead he comes off as loud and angry because he’s an asshole.

He’s also the worst with clickbait. The Axe FX iPad comment. Give me a break.
Fricker shouldn't be allowed a signature toilet brush. Wow, as baffling as Gibson giving Rick BigEgo a signature guitar ....... I guess real talent is scarce .... or no longer appreciated???

Oh Gibson totally just went to TGP and said "Sh*t, we need to give Rick a sig. Teach them to give us sh*t about our QC."
I posted this on another thread last night. I watched him do a Sterling JP guitar "review". I stay in my lane. I am a specific guitarist with a specific level of technique. If you want someone to out Ministry Ministry riffs while throwing in some death metal chunks; I am 100% your guy.

Disclaimer/caveats out of the way. This is the only time I will ever post a video from him.

Glenn Fricker is an ABYSMAL guitarist. I don't even think that word covers it to its full level of absolute amateur hour horrific-ness. He has the vibrato skills of a parkinsons ridden chimp. Spazzy playing in the worst of all ways. Just a nightmare. Add in all the stupid clickbait videos and he probably should just get back to playing the Spider and stfu. JFC.

Oh man that was hilarious. Seriously thanks for the share that was very funny.
I posted this on another thread last night. I watched him do a Sterling JP guitar "review". I stay in my lane. I am a specific guitarist with a specific level of technique. If you want someone to out Ministry Ministry riffs while throwing in some death metal chunks; I am 100% your guy.

Disclaimer/caveats out of the way. This is the only time I will ever post a video from him.

Glenn Fricker is an ABYSMAL guitarist. I don't even think that word covers it to it's full level of absolute amateur hour horrific-ness. He has the vibrato skills of a parkinsons riddled chimp. Spazzy playing in the worst of all ways. Just a nightmare. Add in all the stupid clickbait videos and he probably should just get back to playing the Spider and stfu. JFC.

Dude looks like a cross between a haggard old lady and a thumb
Dude looks like a cross between a haggard old lady and a thumb
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