Don't fire it up in that mode. Please. For now.
I'd toss you another fuse across the Huron but my arm is not what it used to be.
No place to source another fuse locally??
It's definitely something in the power section, since the preamp side is not enough
voltage to blow a fuse like that.
Ah well. I think I'm gonna drop it off at the local L&M and pretend it never arrived yet. Would like to have it looked over anyway, for peace of mind.
Thanks for the help and support, I do appreciate it!
I could try, but I'm actually legit sick and off work today, not sure I want to run around looking for fuses. Crazy sinus/head cold.
Imma eat a (gluten free) sammich and things about my options, I guess.
The good news is those fuses are in there for a reason and help protect the amp from any serious damage
One big thing I never thought to ask about until now is making sure the speaker cable is
fully plugged in on the back of the amp.