Official Original (LOL) Funny Picture Thread! \m/

I've got a pretty good story I think. Half drunk with my best friend Saturday night and he decides he wants to go rip it up on his 4 wheeler. Roads included, not just trails.

I try stopping him, we bloody each other up then hang out for another hour or so. Finally I decide that the only way to keep him from overdoing it is to have a passenger he doesn't want to endanger so I decided to go with him (aka: ride bich lol).

We ended up plastered and had a great time and didn't get back to his place until maybe 11 or noon yesterday.

We sorta went through this a couple months ago with a different friend. Just brought him riding in the side by side until he passed out then dropped him off at home. Otherwise he probably would've wrecked it all driving himself.

Bunch of fuckin has been delinquents!
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