Official Original (LOL) Funny Picture Thread! \m/

Don't know if this is necessarily a "funny picture" for this thread, but I am putting it here anyway as the Public Service Announcement that it is!

I just went through this recently because of cholesterol and BP. I pretty much know what I need to do but I told him to send me to a nutritionist.

Glad I did too because she was hot hot HOT!!! :love:pickle
I just went through this recently because of cholesterol and BP. I pretty much know what I need to do but I told him to send me to a nutritionist.

Glad I did too because she was hot hot HOT!!! :love:pickle
Have you tried setting free that fart you have been holden? That may help with the cholesterol and BP!

Just joking of course!! Hope that spicey nutritionist has you on the right path!!!