New Line 6 product speculation thread [disclosure: HX One]

I'm wondering what 'twist' means in that sense?


Line 6: Dispensary
I would have said interface replacing the old ones they had but the twist does not make sense
Same for capture box .
Based on twist it sounds like some kind of FX box. I am going to say pedal like the DelayMk2 format
Filters synth POG effects
Dudes, seriously, the things you're suggesting are all fine and dandy. But FUN? Any HX technology by-product (in the widest possible way even) wouldn't qualify as "fun" in my book, let alone being a "twist".

An IR loading box capable to also load long IRs would be something I could possibly imagine, IRs can be quite some fun to fool around with. It'd also explain why people might be asking when it'd come to the Helix and why it possibly wouldn't make it.
But then, I think that's a rather niche thing not many people would be interested in, so perhaps nothing to suit Line 6's portfolio.

Same goes for any kind of guitar synthesis or whatever. Would be HUGE fun for me, people interested would love to see it in their HX familiy products, too, but it might not make it due to CPU limitations. But finally, again: Very niche.

A capture box would be something I'd like to see as well, but unless they really make it possible to capture anything you throw at it, it would be a nice thing to have, still not exactly "fun" (and defenitely no "twist").

In a nutshell: I've got no idea. I just hope it's nothing mentioned in this thread so far, because that'd make me scratch my head - as I simply can't believe anyone would classify any of these things as twisting fun.
A capture box, like Tonex? If so I would prefer it not to end up in Helix.

I don't really care for captures myself, but I just wouldn't use the feature if it was there; might be nice for others.

I'm curious and would like to hear your thoughts though: why would you prefer for the feature not to be included in Helix?
I don't really care for captures myself, but I just wouldn't use the feature if it was there; might be nice for others.

I'm curious and would like to hear your thoughts though: why would you prefer for the feature not to be included in Helix?
I prefer modelling and capturing to be kept as separate processes. Including both in one box can only dilute any updates between the two and I prefer the fully adjustable nature that models (as opposed to captures) offers. I would be unlikely to be interested in any new unit offering both for the same reason, plus I’d be paying extra for a function I don’t want. It’s just my preference I guess.
I’d be very interested in a quality SS power amp with power amp modeling options baked in. That would be cool.

The rest of the speculation not so much.

Capture box? I suppose everyone is going to have to offer something in this space, but I’ve lost all interest in capturing. I suppose L6 could drastically improve the user experience over Tonex. A box that combined Capturing plus all the effects from HX FX could be an end-game capture box offering, but I don’t know, I’m over capturing generally speaking.

IR box. There is nothing “fun” about IR’s. :ROFLMAO: I’d guess 95% of us try to get in and out of an IR block as fast as humanly possible. Doing exhaustive IR demoing and tweaking is something you do once a year on a rainy day when youre depressed. “oMFg ThAT 57 oN a gReENbaCK SOUnds GrEaT aT 4.27 iNChes FrOM tHe CoNE, so MUcH bETter tHAn 4.15“