NDSP Quad Cortex

I don't have time for 200 pages, is QC still persona non grata? Have promises been lived up to? My bass player wants one apparently
I don't have time for 200 pages, is QC still persona non grata? Have promises been lived up to? My bass player wants one apparently
Most, not all. Which promises are relevant to your bass player? There's no substitute for him trying it for himself (or herself.) And essentially no cost, either.
For bass? It's pretty swank. Not sure why he's skipping over Helix stuff which is also really bass-friendly for less, but QC is bass-legit.
As much as I love the QC, I agree the HX Stomp is an incredible value, and about as much functionality as most bassists will ever need. (If your bassist is using more, you'll likely fire him LOL.)
For bass? It's pretty swank. Not sure why he's skipping over Helix stuff which is also really bass-friendly for less, but QC is bass-legit.

As much as I love the QC, I agree the HX Stomp is an incredible value, and about as much functionality as most bassists will ever need. (If your bassist is using more, you'll likely fire him LOL.)

He was looking at that stuff too (because he was interested in what was going on with my HX one so I gave him the run down)

I think he has a bit of an affinity for NDSP already though as he has a few of the plug ins already. He might have had his confidence in helix shaken watching my HX one die at our gig last weekend too lol
He dabbles in guitar too and writes stuff on guitar as well so he'd probably use it for that as well
You hang around here enough that you've gotta know the score by now. It's expensive, its effects aren't as extensive as Fractal or Helix, some people hate the company, usability is fantastic.

Which features were promised at launch is really water under the bridge. Question is whether it currently meets his needs.
Looks like they are saying next big update
3.2 is going to have PCOM
For Namless , Parallaxe, SLO and Nolly now
Where are you getting this information? I haven't seen any emails from them lately. (Not even a memo suggesting the announcement of an announcement.) Which is especially weird since I just installed an firmware update this morning.
Where are you getting this information?

My guess is discord 🤣
never go there , it’s on IG
Under the Corus 1.3 .1 or whatever we are at
IG, meaning Instagram? I still don't quite understand what that is/ is for. I would have guessed "photos of avocado toast" way before "release notes and development plans".

Am I going to need an account? :hmm Maybe I'll just wait for trickle down on TGF.
I don't have time for 200 pages, is QC still persona non grata? Have promises been lived up to? My bass player wants one apparently
On this forum it’s “pick on ndsp day” 365 days per year ;)

At release I had a strong opinion it’s never wise to buy a product based on future features….so I didn’t, wasn’t mature enough imo.
I bought one this year, coming from Kemper and a wee bit of Boss GT core…and would buy one again in heartbeat.
Judged by its merits…solid option…and competitive depending on your priorities.
My priorities where, small but full featured, enough switches, capturing + modeling, set of IO ready for the road, ability to do kitchen sink presets managed with scenes.
Nothing is perfect…sure I hope some stuff gets improved (as I would with any device out there)…but no omissions that block my certain path to be a rock god ;)
On this forum it’s “pick on ndsp day” 365 days per year ;)

At release I had a strong opinion it’s never wise to buy a product based on future features….so I didn’t, wasn’t mature enough imo.
I bought one this year, coming from Kemper and a wee bit of Boss GT core…and would buy one again in heartbeat.
Judged by its merits…solid option…and competitive depending on your priorities.
My priorities where, small but full featured, enough switches, capturing + modeling, set of IO ready for the road, ability to do kitchen sink presets managed with scenes.
Nothing is perfect…sure I hope some stuff gets improved (as I would with any device out there)…but no omissions that block my certain path to be a rock god ;)

Honestly if I was a modeller guy (which I’m not) it probably seems the most appealing to me lol

Half of me loves the idea of my bass player grabbing obe and the the other half is abhorrent to the idea of losing bass cab on stage. But then again we use IEMs so… :idk

Honestly I think given his taste and style he’d do a lot and be pretty creative with one tho
Honestly if I was a modeller guy (which I’m not) it probably seems the most appealing to me lol

Half of me loves the idea of my bass player grabbing obe and the the other half is abhorrent to the idea of losing bass cab on stage. But then again we use IEMs so… :idk

Honestly I think given his taste and style he’d do a lot and be pretty creative with one tho
I’d miss the bass cab 9/10..,even as a guitar player ;)
Doesn’t have to be “either….or”…does it?

It’s like this for guitar: buy modeler, loose cab, conclude it sucks, blame modeler/digital.
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It's not as mature as Helix for bass stuff, but I would guess there's a lot of really good captures available that could get a really good base...bass...tone. Just depends on how crazy he wants to get with the effects and everything else.

HX Stomp or Stomp XL would be a killer bass rig too most likely, assuming you just don't need that much stuff for bass. I dunno, every bass player I've played with only ever ran direct into the amp, sometimes with a Rat out front.

I do think it may be worth getting even a small light weight bass amp just for stage fill. I've seen a lot of people who go digital and then end up bringing some kind of on stage monitoring just to not be completely lost.