You’re giving too much credit with “logical”
Preface, I think the AxeFX sound f’ing awesome, so darker/dryer isn’t meant as negative. I meant that relative to the device and plugs I was using before. I also think relaying sound descriptions is brutal, almost to the point of being useless via text.
I was trying to think “what do I really mean saying dry”. I think it’s because I find there is a ton of cut and clarity with Frac models. Without all the bullshit or mud (technical terms lol) maybe that’s why “dry” comes to mind as a description, but not really in a negative sense. I love that it sounds/feels super clear and crisp.
Dark. I say that because I’ve found almost all the tones I’m getting from the device thus far, especially during playback seem to have way less upper frequency hype in contrast to other devices I’ve used. Could be improved accuracy, could be the natural stance of the device, in either event I love the end results, because “dark” leans into my preferred sort of depressing tones.

But that’s why I was noting some comments that Frac is too bright hasn’t been my experience
at all.
But then we can get into how people dial in their amps and effects, ear damage/fatigue etc. And I will concede some of my opinion could be based on the fact that I don’t actually touch all that much on my blocks because I think almost everything sounds awesome by default. lol I’ve recorded shit and only caught after the fact that while demoing the amp to use I landed on one and literally never touched a single dial, it was all sitting at noon on the BMT stack.