Music Is Win Guy Hit In Forehead With Bottle

I don't know if this clip is representative of his playing, but it's definitely not just you.

That was dreadful. Is it possible that he's intentionally being awful to try to be funny? I know if I had to share the stage with Phil X and Tom Quayle I'd be pretty intimidated to take a solo. Deliberately playing the fool might have been a good way to get through the nerves.
Deliberately playing the fool might have been a good way to get through the nerves.
Excuse Me What GIF by Bounce
I use a browser extension called BlockTube, I don't even see the videos of most guitartubers in my search results, especially the shills and super shills, unless I specifically disable it when I research something.
I've read a sentence that I remembered, "geartubers want to gain your trust so they can monetize it", this rang very true to me.
I use a browser extension called BlockTube, I don't even see the videos of most guitartubers in my search results, especially the shills and super shills, unless I specifically disable it when I research something.
I've read a sentence that I remembered, "geartubers want to gain your trust so they can monetize it", this rang very true to me.
I'm with you James, that's why I only watch fishing videos on teh YouTube.

"That morning, Xi saw the ugliest person he'd ever come across. She was as pale as something that had crawled out of a rotting log. Her hair was quite gruesome; long and stringy and white, as if she was very old. She was very big - you'd have to dig the whole day to find enough food to feed her." Love that movie!!