Modeller enthusiasts who can't dial in patches

Isn't it the compressor block in that preset? I thought this mystery was solved but maybe I am misremebering :unsure:
No. It's in the Delay. Scene 3, you can hear it even with the CMP & PIT blocks bypassed,
But my point was that any preset could have something you need to change.
I don’t understand the people who use presets made by others. The internet consensus is that most presets suck, but the ones that come on the current Fractal units are actually good.

My Fm9 Mk2 showed up yesterday. I only had a few minutes to run through it, so I thought I would use the time just checking out the presets to get a feel for things. I was ready to get an RA and ship the unit back within about 15 minutes of that….

Had time later in the evening to come back to it and I rolled my own preset in a few minutes, immediately got something I was digging out of it that had a lot of potential.

One night I was sitting on my couch and played a B and A chord back and forth a couple times, had a vocal melody pop in my head so I went in my studio and plugged into my AxeFX where I have about 150 of my own presets I dialed in by my big boy self and went to an Austin Buddy preset because I didn’t have a lower gain Plexi preset of my own, 45 minutes later a song fell out because I was so stoked with the preset I couldn’t stop playing.

Suck it.

Is there a vocoder in there? What's that mouth-harp sounding effect?
No. It's in the Delay. Scene 3, you can hear it even with the CMP & PIT blocks bypassed,
But my point was that any preset could have something you need to change.
I found the issue- The drive parameter in the Delay is too high. It was distorting the tails in the clean scene (which you don't want for what that scene is made to emulate!)
Exaggerating I'm sure but you aren't going to know if anything is for you in 15 min. Give it the full return window and play as much as you can!

Nope wasn’t exaggerating at all. There were two patches I kinda liked but none of them were anything I liked as much as my normal helix preset.

It doesn’t take long at all to know you aren’t jiving with an amp sound.

Once I had a few minutes to start with my own patch, it was a completely different experience and I was quickly up and running with a good sound - something at least as good as my go-to helix sound.

If I was stuck with stuff other people dialed in I’d probably never be happy.

Nah man, he was taking us too seriously, but now it’s all good. He said that in a follow-up post.
Just for yucks I grabbed a free AC30 Praise & Worship preset off the web.


  1. Input 1 (the Input Noise Gate is turned off to save CPU).
  2. Compressor 1
    1. Channel A: JFET Compressor (1176 Style Comp): set to be somewhat transparent, general use comp.
    2. Channel B: Studio FF Compressor 1: set to be somewhat transparent, general use comp.
    3. Channel C: Dynamicomp (Dynacomp): Lots of compression and squish.
    4. Channels D: Optical Compressor (LA-2A style)
  3. Drive 1:Four stages of overdrive
    1. Channel A: Tone of Kings (Analogman King of Tone – low gain)
    2. Channel B: Full OD (Fulltone Fulldrive)
    3. Channel C: Tone of Kings (Analogman King of Tone – higher gain)
    4. Channel D: Shimmer Drive
  4. Vol/Pan 1: We’ve included a volume block in case you’d like to map it to a controller. The volume level is currently unmapped and set at 10 (100%)
  5. Amp 1:Class-A 30W (Vox AC30)
    1. Only channel A is set up
  6. Cab 1: (only channel A is set up):
    1. Cab 1:2×12 Class-A 160 A (Factory 1, 854)
    2. Cab 2: 2×12 Class-A 121 A Rev (Factory 1, 844)
  7. Chorus 1
    1. Channel B: Dimension 1
    2. Channel A : Japan CE-2
    3. Channel C: Analog Stereo
    4. Channel D: Dimension 1 (more pronounced chorus effect)
  8. Delay 1: Four different delay options
    1. Channel A: Analog Stereo (1/4 delay with a wide stereo field)
    2. Channel B: Stereo Mind Guy (1/8d delay)
    3. Channel C: Stereo Mind Guy (Dual stereo delay – 1/8 and Dotted 8th in stereo)
    4. Channel D: Stereo Tape (ambient stereo delay for swells)
  9. Reverb 1: Four different reverb options
    1. Channel A: London Plate
    2. Channel B: Recording Studio C
    3. Channel C: Stratocumulus – ambient cloud type verb
    4. Channel D: Stratocumulus – bigger cloud verb for swells
  10. PlexDly:Big verbs
    1. Channel A: PlexVerb – ambient cloud type reverb
    2. Channel B: PlexVerb – ambient cloud type reverb (bigger than ChA)
    3. Channel C: Shimmer Verb – Shimmer (uses a lot of DSP)
    4. Channel D: Plex Shift – Different type of shimmer verb
  11. Out 1
WT FX Preset: This preset includes the additional effects blocks and channels found in the full Axe-FX III preset. Feel free to copy and paste these effects blocks into any FM3 preset. Please pay attention to signal routing – for example, the delays and reverbs are meant to be added in parallel paths.
  1. Input 1
  2. Pitch 1
    1. Channel A: Dual Shift (POG type effect, subtle)
    2. Channel B: Dual Pitch (POG, more pronounced)
    3. Channel C: Crystal Echos (Shimmer)
    4. Channel D: Classic Whammy (Octave up Whammy – the ‘Control’ parameter is not assigned to an external pedal, so assign the control to an expression pedal and have some fun)
  3. Chorus 1
    1. Channel A : Dimension 1
    2. Channel B: Japan CE-2
    3. Channel C: Analog Stereo
    4. Channel D: Dimension 1 (more pronounced chorus effect)
  4. PanTrm 1
    1. Channel A : Tremolo – fixed tempo
    2. Channel B: Harmonic Tremolo
    3. Channel C: Bias Trem – Rate is mapped to LFO1 for a ramping tremolo (make sure to copy the ‘Controllers’ settings into the patch for LFO1 to be correct
    4. Channel D: Tremolo (1/16 note sync – set for a choppy trem sound)
  5. Delay 1:(All dotted eighth note delays)
    1. Channel A: Stereo Mind Guy
    2. Channel B: Vintage Digital
    3. Channel C: 2290 w/ Modulation
    4. Channel D: Stereo Tape
  6. Delay 2: (All dual stereo delays)
    1. Channel A: Stereo Mind Guy (1/8 and Dotted 8th in stereo)
    2. Channel B: Stereo Tape (Dotted 8th and Quater in stereo)
    3. Channel C: Stereo BBD (Quater and Quater Triplet in stereo)
    4. Channel D: Vintage Digital (Quater and Dotted 8th – huge washy delay for swells)
  7. Reverb 1: (Big ambient verbs)
    1. Channel A: Stratocumulus
    2. Channel B: Cirrocumulus
    3. Channel C: Deep Space
    4. Channel D: Nimbostratus
  8. Plex Delay 1:(Plex verb for huge swells and ambient reverb)
    1. Channel A: Plex Verb (big ambient reverb for swells)
    2. Channel B: Plex Verb (ambient reverb – not quite a huge as channel A)
    3. Channel C: Shimmer Verb (shimmer)
    4. Channel D: Plex Shimmer (shimmer – not as smooth as Channel C)


The following scenes are set up for instant access to various tones:
  • Scene 1: CLEAN. Basic clean tone with verb and quarter delay
  • Scene 2: DRIVE. Light Drive (Drive 1, Channel A)
  • Scene 3: DRIVE+. Med Drive (Drive 1, Channel B)
  • Scene 4: P&W LEAD. Big drive (Drive 1B +Control Switch 1) with big verb and dual stereo delay (1/8 + 1/8d).
  • Scene 5: AMBI CLEAN. Clean tone with stereo delay (1/8 + 1/8d) and big reverb.
  • Scene 6: 80’s Clean. Clean tone with chorus, dotted 8th delay.
  • Scene 7: ROCK LEAD. Lead tone with fewer wet effects
  • Scene 8: SWELLS. Huge ambient swells. Engages the swells delay and verb (channel D on both delay and reverb blocks)
For most blocks, We’ve set up multiple channels to give you different options for any given effect. However, not all blocks have all four channels set up – some have just couple, and some only one. See the Signal Flow section above to see what is set up in what channel for any given block.
All four channels in the drive block are set up to give you access to four different levels of gain.
All four channels in the delay block are set up to give you access to four different delays, from subtle quarter note delay to huge ambient swells delay
All four channels in the delay block are set up to give you access to four different delays, from subtle quarter note delay to huge ambient swells delay


FC-6 // OMG9 Custom Layout
This preset is optimized for the OMG9 custom layout for the Fractal FC-6 controller. The OMG9 Layout is available here from Fractal:
The ‘Effects’ layout has been modified with custom overrides (see below) so you will see the effects that are relevant to this preset.
Per-Preset Overrides
If you would like to use custom overrides, we have set up Per-Preset overrides for both effects and scenes.
PP1: Scene 1
PP2: Scene 2
PP3: Scene 3
PP4: Scene 4
PP5: Scene 5
PP6: Scene 6
PP7: Scene 7
PP8: Scene 8
PP9: Drive 1A
PP10: Drive 1B
PP11: Drive 1C
PP12: Delay 1A
PP13: Delay 1B
PP14: Delay 1C
PP15: Delay 1D
PP16: Reverb 1A
PP17: Reverb 1B
PP18: Reverb 1C
PP19: Reverb 1A
PP20: Control Switch 1
PP21: Chorus 1
PP22: Plex1
PP24:Tap Tempo/Tuner
*PLEASE NOTE: These per-preset settings will not override any of the default settings except for Layout 3 for the FC Controllers (the effects layout).
If you’d like to change any of these assignments (either the Per-Preset Assignments or the Foot Switch assignments), you can do so in the ‘FC CONTROLLERS’ and ‘Per-Preset FC’ menus in FM3 Edit.

Jebus H. Christ!!!

I guess I can better see the desire to pay someone else for this sort of effort. Holy Fudge I never imagined all of this could be involved.
Just for yucks I grabbed a free AC30 Praise & Worship preset off the web.
Dang, talk about option overload.
I guess I can better see the desire to pay someone else for this sort of effort. Holy Fudge I never imagined all of this could be involved.
Buying a preset like that would be very unlikely to save time. You'd spend at least as much time learning what's there and how to access it - including the time required to set up parameters that can't be embedded in a preset - as you would building something you can use from scratch.
Dang, talk about option overload.

Buying a preset like that would be very unlikely to save time. You'd spend at least as much time learning what's there and how to access it - including the time required to set up parameters that can't be embedded in a preset - as you would building something you can use from scratch.

Oh, agreed.
Part of my astonishment was that anyone in their right mind would ever bother going through even 50% of the effort that went into that!

But then I imagined playing a 2 hour service where the music has to be dead nuts tight every step of the way and you're covering all sorts of sonic ground the whole time. There's simply no other way to do that gig.

Even if I wanted to though, my attention span is too shot to be able to pull anything like that off these days!