I think what rubs many people the wrong way (certainly the case for me) is the fact that they don't actually *add* stuff to the Player. It's not like the folks at, say, Line 6 or FAS sitting there and carefully modeling yet another device. No, the Kemper folks actually do *nothing* - and still charge you a premium. Because they left stuff out deliberately.
That's pretty much the Apple way. "Let's equip our super hot laptops with laughable amounts of SSD space so we can really fuck up people by charging them unholy amounts of money for extra SSD space!"
Now, you possibly don't really need all the features of Kempers up-leveling (just as you possibly don't need more than 256GB of internal SSD storage), but how many people will think along the lines of "uhm, this surely will come in handy!" and just buy the upgrades, regardless of the obscene price? Likely a lot.
Add to this that we already knew Christoph Kemper is a weirdo of the highest magnitude. I mean, they were keeping their audio interface functionality hidden for friggin' 10+ (TEN!) years! Who's doing such things? People trying to milk an idea as much as possible. Yeah, I hear you already. "But the audio interface thingy was a free update!" Sure. But you can bet it's been part of a plan to keep the KPA attractive, even after all these years, so the thing might still be interesting for new users.
No, these are neither particularly new or bad ideas - but I still don't like them.