Kemper Player - 1st [ Paid for ? ] Update coming very soon ?

If you don’t even like the way Kemper sounds then the Player ‘upgrade pricing fiasco’ is not anything that affects you unless you really meant to say they should have fixed the sound of Kemper for that price.
It isn't about it affecting me, or anyone else. It is just an interesting thing to analyse and almost gawk at in disbelief.
I was hard into Kemper for a few years and I have some great sounding profiles that compare to anything out there. I sold my trusty powered toaster when I got into Fractal and have never regretted it. When the Player came out I thought I might get one to be able to use some of the library I had accumulated but as soon as they started with the crippled hardware and pay-to-enable feature thing I was out. The issue for me is that for the base price the product should be full featured. If they want to scale it back from there to hit a price point then maybe but it's a slippery slope and I don't see that a lot of people are going to go for it. Just one guys opinion of course.

This has me pissing myself laughing. Tony you're a legend mate.
If you don’t even like the way Kemper sounds then the Player ‘upgrade pricing fiasco’ is not anything that affects you unless you really meant to say they should have fixed the sound of Kemper for that price.

I disagree here and the video game comparison is a perfect example why. Kemper is one of the Big 4 of modeling/profiling, if they pull this off and it's remotely successfull iit just leaves the door open for other companies to start doing it, but getting more efficient with the profit/customer value ratio and that never works out in the consumer's favor. I'm the last person that reaches for the "do it for the money" mentality, but with this particular model that's exactly like buying loot/cool weapons in video games, I know where this leads.

I said this same thing when the QC was released and then the TMP came out needing to be further updated before they could say it was ready to go. There's a ton of things that benefit us in the compettive world oft this stuff, but not every ripple will have a good affect, or effects for that matter.
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<sniggering loudly>

I am a great believer that in life if you are going to put all your credibility and respect on the line or you are choosing a hill to die on ..... you'd better bloody well make the right choice.

This is just utterly embarrassing of HW ....... its beyond words ..... although clearly not my words :)
If you don’t even like the way Kemper sounds then the Player ‘upgrade pricing fiasco’ is not anything that affects you unless you really meant to say they should have fixed the sound of Kemper for that price.

Ahhhh .... last time I looked this is a discussion / opinion sharing forum .... commenting on stuff you have or don't have is kind of like %100 the point.
I think what annoys me the most about this is that the Kemper tech had peaked years ago and they've just rested on their laurels saying there's nothing more that can be done, its as good as it gets for profiling (it isnt). Maybe the exact specific profiling process they're using has been squeezed to the max but where's the innovation? There's no shortage of competition out there... even 4 years ago I was kind of baffled how they are still making money via new unit sales only.

NAM / ToneX hugely disrupt profiling making it free / way cheaper hardware wise to get a profiling unit and finally the KPP comes out... ok a bit late and pricier than the competition but fair play, probably would have been better for them if they did it before ToneX came out. Now the Nano Cortex is out and already $150+ cheaper than the KPP and their answer is to charge another $300 and it still can't profile (effects are obviously nice but still...).

I can't help but think if you wanted to keep the business going and in the forefront of Digital Guitar Tech... where's the Kemper 2? You can't tell me that them charging THIS much isn't some kind of sign that a cash injection would be very beneficial to Kemper HQ. I dig the Helix/Fractal model where the core ecosystem is constantly evolving and they have a bunch of hardware to access it with different features / pricepoints. I think this recent stint from Kemper has already shown they're a bit too little too late, and charging this much will leave a sour taste in peoples mouths / flat out laughing stock for non KPP owners. I don't think they can keep selling more units to access the current Kemper tech. IMO there needs to be a Kemper 2 with overhauled tech to move the needle for them.
IMO, Christoph would’ve been better off doing a Kemper Profiler Player Pro. At least he could’ve hidden the crippleware in similar fashion to the UAFX amp pedals, which arguable share the exact same internal components (not confirmed), with just different firmware loaded in for each model.

That does feel better. And then after a while, create more buzz by announcing the ability for paid upgrade of non-pro units to pro.

The three levels is odd. Two is easier to understand and feel like you're getting more value.

Even though a Kemper plugin is probably 5 years late at this point, I bet releasing it now would still bring in significantly more money for Kemper - both from existing users and people outside of the current userbase.

Kemper is deathly afraid of theft of the product and IP.