Just bought a Fryette LX. Thanks Whizz!

Laughs in already acquired RMA :sofa

Judge Judy No GIF by Agent M Loves Gifs
So I just measured this for giggles.

LXII volume set at noon.

AxeFx using output 3. (unity gain output) With all the default levels (no level boosts in any block) I was reading at 96db. I boosted the output block to +15db, which only takes the output meter on the faceplate to barely yellow, and it peaked at 116db.

I didn’t have the heart to try it with the LX volume beyond noon or using a +20db boost. :ROFLMAO:
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I dunno how much extra dB compensation you will actually need for Output 2.

But just start with:
  • Split to dedicated Output 2 block in your grid
  • Output 2 Copy set to “NONE”.
  • Output 2 Type set to “LINE LEVEL”
  • Output Level set to +4
Add extra dB compensation within your Output 2 block as required, until you're happy with the results 🙂
I do have a separate output blocks for some reason while still copying output 1. Even though I only use 1 preset so copying output 1 seems a little overkill considering that fact.

I have a gig next Friday. I will do a regroup on this and give it another shot. I am going to use my real cabinets as well.
I dunno how much extra dB compensation you will actually need for Output 2.

But just start with:
  • Split to dedicated Output 2 block in your grid
  • Output 2 Copy set to “NONE”.
  • Output 2 Type set to “LINE LEVEL”
  • Output Level set to +4
Add extra dB compensation within your Output 2 block as required, until you're happy with the results 🙂
I had it set to this already. Only thing I think I had different is in the input section where the input pad was on. Not sure how much of an appreciable difference that would make. Not sure if it is the FX200 cabs or what the deal is. But the EVH speakers with input pad at 0 and matching the settings described in your quote above was PUNISHING like the Stealth pre into the LX. Not sure why but with Out 2 cranked and the LX up at noon; dear lord :satan

This power amp is hard af. Insert "So you're saying there's a chance" gif here but I think the RMA might have just dodged a bullet. I think real cabs are the way to go (duh) first and foremost as 500 people have already said. I am betting there is some additional tweaking I can do with the FM to tailor it a bit to the LX/EVH cabs combo. I can see maybe a Syn-1 in my future (with a completely inappropriate module for Love Shack) in my future :bag
Only thing I think I had different is in the input section where the input pad was on. Not sure how much of an appreciable difference that would make.

IIRC, everything I've read about the input pad both in the manual and on the FAS forum says that changes to the input pad are balanced in equal and opposite amounts at the output; so the difference should be zero.
Not sure why but with Out 2 cranked and the LX up at noon; dear lord :satan


jeff goldblum ear GIF

I only bailed on my experiment because even with tissue in my ear and over ear headphones on my ears we’re getting fatigued. I’m pretty sure with the +15db boost on the Output block and the Fryette at 3 o’clock it would get over 130db.

If I had proper ear protection I’d dime it to get a reading, and give all the stay at home moms in the area a rousing rendition of the Top Gun theme song.
I do have a separate output blocks for some reason while still copying output 1. Even though I only use 1 preset so copying output 1 seems a little overkill considering that fact.

I have a gig next Friday. I will do a regroup on this and give it another shot. I am going to use my real cabinets as well.
Good luck at the gig Jive! I look forward to hearing your loud AF co-guitarist out on my front porch ten states away tonight :beer :rofl
Just got the LX here about 30 minutes ago. Connected the III to it, then FM. What a STELLAR piece. Honeymoon and all that blahblahblahs. But really sounds fucking spectacular with the FAS stuff. Goddamn!

Green power light is :chef Zero use for the depth control (at least at this loud af but still home volume level). Presence switch, otoh; fuck yes. Very pleased.

Current con is it doesn't fit in my homemade rack case the III is in. So it maybe sort of has me thinking of the old Synergy time again. And the new FX8 single rack mount unit coming out with cab block, trumpet routing and XLR out.
Congrats! Been loving my PS-100 for 'bout 2 years now.