That’s not less than what a Deluxe Reverb with, say, an Alessandro speaker, is able to produce? Certainly not significantly less?
It's possible, but I really can't say for sure. While I've taken IR data from two different DR speakers, I've never bothered to determine their maximum SPL capabilities. I will say that IME you've gotten the maximum clean SPL from a Deluxe with the volume somewhere between 3 and 4. Above that, it gets distorted and not a whole lot louder.
It's possible, but I really can't say for sure. While I've taken IR data from two different DR speakers, I've never bothered to determine their maximum SPL capabilities. I will say that IME you've gotten the maximum clean SPL from a Deluxe with the volume somewhere between 3 and 4. Above that, it gets distorted and not a whole lot louder.
I was basing my assumption on 30-ish watts output leading to, what, 15-ish db above speaker sensitivity? Maybe my wattage assumptions for a DR on 3-4 are off.
So you're saying that the ToneX cab is only as loud as the engines of an Airbus A319 and not like those of a Boeing 747? I feel cheated.
Nowhere close. The numbers you see for jet engines on SPL graphics are the SPLs a listener is exposed to. How close will a listener ever come to a jet engine? The max-SPL figures for speakers are referenced to a 1-meter distance from the speaker, i.e., at a position a listener will never occupy. If the meter in the photo above represents the output from just the speaker, it will produce 110.9 dBSPL at two meters, 104.9 at 4 meters, etc. Still loud, but quite unremarkable as 1x12 speakers go.

Maximum SPL - if the figure is accurate, and the speaker isn't being driven nonlinear (not a given) - provides an indication of headroom. If your monitor has too little headroom - not at all uncommon - then you'll end up overdriving it trying to keep up. When you do that, the monitor will add its own nonlinearities to those in the signal you're feeding it, and your sound will have undesirable colorations and distortions. And you'll have trouble hearing yourself.
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I was basing my assumption on 30-ish watts output leading to, what, 15-ish db above speaker sensitivity? Maybe my wattage assumptions for a DR on 3-4 are off.
If you are driving a quad box, sensitivity at one watt is up 6 dB relative to sensitivity for a single speaker. So 106 dB at one meter for a box of 100 dB V30s for example. For a twin like an AC30 then 103 dB at one watt.
I was basing my assumption on 30-ish watts output leading to, what, 15-ish db above speaker sensitivity? Maybe my wattage assumptions for a DR on 3-4 are off.

If the sensitivity is 100 dB with 30 watts of power then you’re looking at about 115 dB maximum SPL from a 1x12 combo. If you do the same type of measurement as the IK media guy did (with boundary measurement issue) then add 6 dB for 121 dB at 1 meter. That means the ToneX speaker will be similar in perceived volume.
If you are driving a quad box, sensitivity at one watt is up 6 dB relative to sensitivity for a single speaker.
That statement assumes coherent summation of acoustic signals from all four transducers. Assuming the same impedance load as a 1x12 - e.g., series-parallel with 8 ohm speakers - this is the case directly on axis, but not elsewhere. I really do mean directly on axis. At even a very few degrees off axis, the coherence begins degrading, first at the highest frequencies, then (at greater angles) at steadily-decreasing frequencies. The added sensitivity only holds up reliably at lower frequencies.
So 106 dB at one meter for a box of 100 dB V30s for example. For a twin like an AC30 then 103 dB at one watt.
Attempts to compare peak SPL capabilities between a tube guitar amp and a neutral monitor have serious limitations. The tube amp will keep getting louder once you start overdriving it - and the distortions it produces when you do that are usually intentional and desirable - whereas a neutral monitor must remain clean, no matter how hard you're pushing it, since you're getting all the nonlinearites you want from the modeler. This is one reason that maximum clean SPL is so important for a monitor. You don't ever want to drive one into nonlinear behavior.
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Just to clarify, my Delixe reverb side bar was strictly personal interest in relation to gear Jay is using, not remotely related to the IK box in the least. Sorry for the diversion.

Unless thing drastically change in my late-50s/60s, a Deluxe reverb is, if anything, too loud for most of my situations so it’s a decent standard point of reference for me.

I would never buy a speaker of any kind made by IK on principle alone, but certainly not one like this that is so obviously “let’s throw on a gimmick knob”. The price - who knows. JBL, Yamaha, QSC make a gazillion speakers a year and so have different economy of scale vs IK making a speaker for a specific niche of a specific niche of guitar players…which is the primary reason why I would never buy a speaker from IK on principle.
@Jay - I was responding in regard to the HiWatt amp mentioned which would usually be driving a half stack or a full stack. I know this a thread about the one 12" speaker + tweeter in the Tonex but I was not intending any comment on that - I am not disagreeing with anything you said here.
@Jay - I was responding in regard to the HiWatt amp mentioned which would usually be driving a half stack or a full stack. I know this a thread about the one 12" speaker + tweeter in the Tonex but I was not intending any comment on that - I am not disagreeing with anything you said here.
DR was short for Deluxe Reverb
Didn't you mention a 103? Maybe that was a sensitivity figure.
I did not mention 103 anywhere in any way. But I did expressly state "Deluxe Reverb" in the original question to which Jay and I then shifted to short-hand "DR".

Regardless, none of that changes the fact that figuring out the impact of driving two speakers vs. 1 is more complicated than assuming it doubles the output from the cabinet.
:rofl :rofl(Present company excluded, of course. Drew is a dashing man)

So from what I gather folks still go for the Fender due to the ToneX cab having some A/D conversion even though its about 1ms of latency
whereas none of that in the Fender FR

My take

I do like the look of the ToneX cab better with swappable grills (mind you at a cost) and Profile is slightly smaller
I think the Mic/live Eq thing may be more useful that the High cut on the Fender
Amp does not have any Hiss issues and does not require a new preamp
Tweeter seems to be of better Quality (La Voce) Fender does not state what brand is the tweeter could be a cheap off the shelf Amazon horn loaded tweeter (who Knows?)

Dont think the IR loading and presets is of any value but maybe for some
Paying more for these features is also somewhat Meh but Input LED are somewhat useful
up here in QC ToneX cab $1,156 Taxes included so thats quite steep for a pair, Fender is $975.00 CDN Taxes in but can be more expensive with the Archangel Preamp
They dont offer a 10" version

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