This gets into the same territory as “metal guys don’t care about tone as long as it’s saturated enough” or “all edge of breakup tones sound the same”, while both probably appear that way to people who aren’t fans of either, neither is true.
Something that always sticks out to me, I dunno if it was this thread or one of the other QC threads, “There’s nothing wrong with the delay, it’s fine. I don’t really use delay, it’s not one of my favorite effects, but it’s fine” Sure, for you. But delays started getting awesome 40 years ago and if the differences between a 2290 and an SDE3000 are unknown to you, this isn’t really the conversation to jump into and claim everyone is nitpicking just to nitpick.
And because we’re on the internet, that’s not a ‘other people are better for knowing the differences’ thing, people just have different areas of focus and get inspiration from different shit. I barely give a shit about flangers or phasers and don’t know much about the differences between all the versions out there, but I love delays and was doing my own shootouts between a DOD PDS1000, Digitech 2101 and a Boss DD-5 in ‘97 to figure out which one to use in my high school era rig.