I was wrong about the QC

I'll be considering the new one.
I will commit to that as long as they don’t make a piece of crap or completely cripple the UI , I am down for one
I will come here and take the ridicule
But the ideas that people have posted even slightly smaller screen and around 1000 Sure I am in
But I don’t suspect we will see this new thing for a while
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Hold that thought, I know a good used blowjob salesman..


Just to clarify, they haven't teased anything. Just a very concrete rumor (if there is such a thing)
I think if someone has held one and not just seen a mock up or CAD , that goes beyond the possible rumour option
They’ve not teased anything. I only know about it because of reasons. ;)
… because your friends with HW on FB


Tell me do you agree with his theory that this new thing will not be able to load plug ins
They will reserve that for QC?

That would seem odd to me because why would you not want sell plugins to everyone ?
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That would seem odd to me because why would you not want sell plugins to everyone ?

Pretty sure that market's slowed down quite a bit for a number of reasons.
I can't see Neural investing the big amount of cash necessary to launch a new piece of hardware otherwise.

They'd have themselves to blame for any slowdowns seeing as they completely saturated the market with artist suites.

This is nuts!
