I’m just curious…,Who here currently owns a TMP and who doesn’t?

Do you currently own one

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Okay, now we have a poll question.

Answer: No. I was really close to getting one, had the money to spend and both local GCs had them in stock. Saw a video review that showcased the Fender amp models and convolution reverbs, and I was ready to get one. Then I saw (and heard) the non Fender amps, and that killed it for me. I love visiting the Fender amp sounds here and there, but I live in the land of Marshall and Mesa. Bought an FM9T.
I owned one for a few days and sent it back. Was hoping this latest firmware update would have fixed a lot of the issues but nope.
Even Facebook group has less than a thousand members. Number of people that got swindled may be way less than some reports... report. Especially considering that demographics of Facebook and Boomer box users overlap by a lot.
Even Facebook group has less than a thousand members. Number of people that got swindled may be way less than some reports... report. Especially considering that demographics of Facebook and Boomer box users overlap by a lot.
Heck I had over a thousand in my first week for the GX-100 group I run. Seems to have topped out around 5k and now it's just trickles here and there. I haven't run any demographic metrics but most of my users seem to be 35+
Gotta be honest I saw it was released and that's been it. Haven't been following at all.

Sounds like things are going great then or ??