Hot Take

He definitely does revoice them to what his ideal of a Marshall is, which some would say takes the angry out of them. That being said amps like the Butterslax and JJ retain it to a degree, but I think there's others out there that keep the core Marshall character more effectively.
I've never played one which is a bummer.

Probably comes down to whose playing it though, I'm sure there are people who can make them sound angry.
I never played an actual BE but I agree that that amp (based on helix model, demos and records) is missing part of the marshall sound I love.
It's a great amp but too polite for my tastes.
Never tried one. But I like what I've heard in demos. I quite fancy trying out a BE-100 DLX one day. I love my Satch JVM, and I wonder how they compare.
I’ve never played a Marshall or a Friedman..
But the BE model in the Helix feels too gained out.

It’s missing the openess of the Kerrang, I guess.

I bought my first fractal rig from those guys (tone merchants, LA) including the freidman cabinets. 👍

Broke in the cabinets for me, and tour-cased everything up nice and tidy. Custom cabling.

However, the only discount I got out of those guys was begging for a free Friedman T-shirt. 😯
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I bought my first fractal rig from those guys (tone merchants, LA) including the freidman cabinets. 👍

Broke in the cabinets for me, and tour-cased everything up nice and tidy. Custom cabling.

However, the only discount I got out of those guys was begging for a free Friedman T-shirt. 😯
Check your Inbox………..
To be fair, Phil sounds great playing through Marshalls as well. I took the pedal after this 😂 he signed it too.

He definitely does revoice them to what his ideal of a Marshall is, which some would say takes the angry out of them. That being said amps like the Butterslax and JJ retain it to a degree, but I think there's others out there that keep the core Marshall character more effectively.

I think that is the thing, for me. He obviously LOVES Marshalls and owns a few precious vintage pieces, and yet
my ears and hands feel like he took all the idiosyncrasies that make Marshalls so killer right out of his amps. I
guess if you love something enough you are also probably at risk of also killing/smothering/suffocating them to
death. :LOL:

That super compressed and smooth thing that ALL Friedmans have (to my ears) is just so not what I want/get from a