Here comes Kemper. Bye Felicias

So right now I’m strictly playing:

Helix Native (GarageBand DAW)
Focusrite Solo
AKG K240 cans

Am I going to notice a difference between current setup and a Kemper Stage?
Which do you think sounds better? ;-)
I prefer Kemper over helix personally. I've had multiple helix units and couldn't really love them like I wanted to. If I'm recommending a modeler it's fractal. I view the Kemper as different than the modeling line and offers the user a different set of tools to sculpt their tone
I prefer Kemper over helix personally. I've had multiple helix units and couldn't really love them like I wanted to. If I'm recommending a modeler it's fractal. I view the Kemper as different than the modeling line and offers the user a different set of tools to sculpt their tone
Fractal and Kemper are the two I haven’t tried.

I’m afraid Fractal is gonna be “too much” for me, while it seems Kemper might be geared more towards someone who just wants to plug in and play.
Fractal and Kemper are the two I haven’t tried.

I’m afraid Fractal is gonna be “too much” for me, while it seems Kemper might be geared more towards someone who just wants to plug in and play.
Once you find the profiles you jive with it is very much plug and play. But profile hunting can be just as dangerous as deep parameter editing imo.

But yes, in general Kemper is much more plug and play
I have always suspected this with that individual you speak of and I didn't even bother engaging with him when he was being a bit surly on something I posted in regards to something he designed. He is quite brilliant and he makes that known to others but has issues with how he interacts with people and his responses are different that what one would normally would consider. Nothing wrong with that, just a bit different.

My youngest has Autism and very, very mild at that but I recognized the responses a mile a way.

Our old friend Fowleri is autistic as well and it has been something of an interesting read over on Jemsite but I just give him the benefit of the doubt and don't make fun or cause any ruckus. He admitted this on a post and it explained a lot.

It's hard enough for these folks to interact as it is and I just try and be positive and help. It can't be easy. Some don't even know they have this.

Anyways......I'm going to turn the Kemper back on now.
Just waiting for my KSR PA 50 to show up on Tuesday then.......


Oh Fowleri….I’ve snapped on him a couple times at Jemsite. Had I known that he was autistic that would have changed things. He‘s local to me, too, we live in the same city.
Jay may be good at speaker designs, and he’s clever enough … But he’s not any smarter than some other folks around here.

It doesn’t take much observation to tell that he’s much smarter, particularly with regard to the physics of acoustics in a musical context, than most people both on this forum and TGP. I know a few things about that stuff (enough I’ve been repeatedly paid to consult for it), and he’s light years ahead of me. Maybe that’s the difference, I know just enough to realize just how smart he is and the casual observer wouldn’t pick up on it?

I tend to think even a casual observer could notice he’s multiple step functions ahead of virtually everyone on these forums though with regard to that stuff though.

It doesn’t take much observation to tell that he’s much smarter, particularly with regard to the physics of acoustics in a musical context, than most people both on this forum and TGP. I know a few things about that stuff (enough I’ve been repeatedly paid to consult for it), and he’s light years ahead of me. Maybe that’s the difference, I know just enough to realize just how smart he is and the casual observer wouldn’t pick up on it?

I tend to think even a casual observer could notice he’s multiple step functions ahead of virtually everyone on these forums though with regard to that stuff though.


I’ve never challenged his speaker acumen. I’m not sure the point you’re trying to make.

I’m talking about once he steps out that very tiny, super narrow, domain brother.

The problem often is that people who have something figured out, often think that they have everything figured out… 🤔
Nice to see you are not playing the disability card.
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I’ve never challenged his speaker acumen. I’m not sure the point you’re trying to make.

I’m talking about once he steps out that very tiny, super narrow, domain brother.

The problem often is that people who have something figured out, often think that they have everything figured out… 🤔

I never really see him step out of that domain on forums though. Maybe I just missed it? Seems like 90%+ of what he talks about is musical acoustics, speakers, and IRs.

He’s usually sharing measurable scientific facts, and the people arguing with him are usually sharing subjective opinions and are apparently unable to tell the difference between those two things.

Maybe it makes me a c*nt too, but I happen to have an appreciation for people who invest years to master something, and then hold to the facts and their mastery of them even/especially in the face of incompetent people on the internet who act as experts when they actually know very little about the thing they’re blathering on about. One of the great things about the internet is occasionally someone who has mastered something shares some useful information with people for free. The downside of the internet is that the expert who freely shares really valuable info usually gets shouted down by a bunch of wannabe internet experts. I see the same things in other hobbies I have.

Ok I’m done here, apparently I’m bored at the moment there’s really no reason at all for me to be talking about this lol.

Maybe it makes me a c**t too, but I happen to have an appreciation for people who invest years to master something, and then hold to the facts and their mastery of them even/especially in the face of incompetent people on the internet who act as experts when they actually know very little about the thing they’re blathering on about.

If you put all personal issues aside, there's a metric ton of things to learn from Jay (and some other folks, too, of course) - and I cannot thank them enough. Most of what I know about, say, digital audio, DAW stuff and what not (which actually cumulated to quite some stuff over the years) comes from straightforward people setting facts straight without being bound by any company or socially related boundaries. As said, I cannot thank these folks enough.
Oh Fowleri….I’ve snapped on him a couple times at Jemsite. Had I known that he was autistic that would have changed things. He‘s local to me, too, we live in the same city.

I do not know for a fact that he is. I just noticed that the way he communicates suggests PERHAPS he is.

Can we not give cuntish people the get-out-of-jail-free-card known as autism please??
Many people who have high functioning autism have obsessive special interests, and are indeed experts (though NOT infallible, in their area of interest.)

I don’t excuse mean spirited behavior for anyone.

But mean spirited is different that stating that you are correct and someone else is wrong. This is often the case with anyone who assumes that they know EVERYTHING about a certain subject.

I don’t use my autism as an excuse to annoy people or “get away with poor social behaviors.”

I tell people because I am literally incapable of knowing at times what questions or comments are appropriate.

Some examples:

1. A random stranger asks me, “How much money do you make?” I’ll tell them exactly how much, because to me, it’s like saying I’m 5’11. Why wouldn’t I tell them.

2. The cliched question from my wife, “Do you like my outfit?” I’ll respond with EXACTLY what I think, “Yes. It accentuates your figure,” or “No. that color against your skin looks weird.”

3. Someone asks me, “Are low carb diets a fad?” I’ll reply, “No. though they have become mainstream ideas, initially ketogenic diets were designed to treat epilepsy in children.”

4. Someone asks me, “What do you think of the show 3 1/2 Men?” I’ll say, “a show which depicts a loveable woman-hopping alcoholic with few redeeming features and questionable comedic writing is a poor use of time to watch.”

(No offense to loveable alcoholics and men who enjoy frequent sexual experiences with many women.)

It took my wife training me social skills over DECADES to realize that my comments aren’t always socially acceptable and could be offensive to people.

If the forum poster I referenced has no one to teach them tact and social skills, AND is autistic, then I’m only offering an explanation about those behaviors, not “giving them a pass.”

Having autism is not a “say whatever you want free of criticism card”; it is in fact a life long struggle for many.

Well, that’s my two cents.

I’m fine if you disagree.

I do not know for a fact that he is. I just noticed that the way he communicates suggests PERHAPS he is.

Many people who have high functioning autism have obsessive special interests, and are indeed experts (though NOT infallible, in their area of interest.)

I don’t excuse mean spirited behavior for anyone.

But mean spirited is different that stating that you are correct and someone else is wrong. This is often the case with anyone who assumes that they know EVERYTHING about a certain subject.

I don’t use my autism as an excuse to annoy people or “get away with poor social behaviors.”

I tell people because I am literally incapable of knowing at times what questions or comments are appropriate.

Some examples:

1. A random stranger asks me, “How much money do you make?” I’ll tell them exactly how much, because to me, it’s like saying I’m 5’11. Why wouldn’t I tell them.

2. The cliched question from my wife, “Do you like my outfit?” I’ll respond with EXACTLY what I think, “Yes. It accentuates your figure,” or “No. that color against your skin looks weird.”

3. Someone asks me, “Are low carb diets a fad?” I’ll reply, “No. though they have become mainstream ideas, initially ketogenic diets were designed to treat epilepsy in children.”

4. Someone asks me, “What do you think of the show 3 1/2 Men?” I’ll say, “a show which depicts a loveable woman-hopping alcoholic with few redeeming features and questionable comedic writing is a poor use of time to watch.”

(No offense to loveable alcoholics and men who enjoy frequent sexual experiences with many women.)

It took my wife training me social skills over DECADES to realize that my comments aren’t always socially acceptable and could be offensive to people.

If the forum poster I referenced has no one to teach them tact and social skills, AND is autistic, then I’m only offering an explanation about those behaviors, not “giving them a pass.”

Having autism is not a “say whatever you want free of criticism card”; it is in fact a life long struggle for many.

Well, that’s my two cents.

I’m fine if you disagree.

Hear, hear. My 16-year-old daughter is high-functioning, and can be very direct. She doesn't have a mean bone in her body. If you ask her a question, she's going to give you an honest, unvarnished answer. It may not be the answer you want to hear, but there's no BS or guile in that kid. She also has some of the stimming traits such as hand-flapping and vocalizations that cause people to say mean things to her. She can't help it, and sometimes doesn't realize she's doing it. She tries to control it at school but, especially early on, she would come home exhausted.