I’m just now coming around to give the Hx cabs a serious look. All my live presets were tuned in with York Audio stuff so I only glanced when the new cab engine was released in 3.5.
L6 did an amazing job here. I’m finding it effortless to sweep these cabs and find what I’m looking for. Having the low and high cut parameters right there is helpful as well.
Between the cabs and stumbling across the Placater I’m finding new life in the platform.
For those who want to have the audio based on the QC plugin on their physical helix, including the effects, I share the link. I hope you like it! Have a nice weekend. The helix is incredible.
Frankly, this is a weak spot in Helix IMHO. The only two models I like for boosting amps are the same you just mentioned - Pillars and Horizon. I struggle with even the usual suspects (Tube Screamer and SD-1) in the Helix. They just don't feel right to me.
Agreed. The Helix‘ Tube Screamer model is one of the worst of the current Amp Modeler generation. Compared to my Ibanez and Maxon pedals, it sounds far too muffled, and the clipping itself just sounds wrong. The SD-1 model is a little better, but needs a 3 dB volume block after it to have the same level as my real pedal. I would really like to have a better Tube Screamer in the Helix.
In my experience the OD1 in Neural DSP‘s Soldano SLO-100 X plugin is the one that sounds the most similar to my TS pedals.
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