Helix Talk

It's funny... most people who don't have an expression pedal end up buying a mission volume pedal (100 usd)
The big point really, is having an option to use an expression pedal or not without being forced to have a fixed one always there when you don’t want that…. Pfeeeeeww that’s a long sentence.
Infinite routing <- this will put Line 6 way ahead.
I'd be a bit cautious about that.

The big point really, is having an option to use an expression pedal or not without being forced to have a fixed one always there when you don’t want that…. Pfeeeeeww that’s a long sentence.
That’s why I’m saying include it, but have it docked to the side with a couple hex bolts so if you don’t want it you can take it off (and then probably use the jack to add a different one but for some reason people can’t use their left foot on the right side of the board).
Unless they can make it solidly dockable and not make it an extra purchase. Then everyone gets what they want. I don’t think NOT having it is going to change the price any.
I keep thinking someone will eventually come out with a Lego-like system where you have a main brain block onto which you can snap on blocks of footswitches and EPs in different configurations. Or even connect multiple brain blocks....
I keep thinking someone will eventually come out with a Lego-like system where you have a main brain block onto which you can snap on blocks of footswitches and EPs in different configurations. Or even connect multiple brain blocks....

That'd be sort of a dream come true for me. Need more footswitches? Well, just add another row, seamlessly integrating. Same for encoders, which I'd rather have as "external" bars, so I could place them closer to my hands (desks, music stands).
Fwiw, I'm even sort of fine with no onboard EXP pedals. But then please offer one that integrates flawlessly without eating up precious EXP I/Os. I also have yet to come across an external EXP pedal doing the wah/volume job as flawlessly as the onboard ones of, say, Boss or Line 6.
Exp pedal for me plz!

I prefer an all in one unit because lazy
And I don’t want to have MORE cables and another board to put it all on just so it’s as grab and go as the current thing. Maybe the floor is too big for someone, then get two Stomps, lol. If an extra 1lb and 3” ruins it for you, suck it up, lol. Some people talk about it like it’s going to reduce the weight by 40% and save you cubic feet of floor space or something. Once the exp is gone it’s a “most in one” not and “all in one”.
If an extra 1lb and 3” ruins it for you, suck it up, lol. Some people talk about it like it’s going to reduce the weight by 40% and save you cubic feet of floor space or something.

Seriously, with the Floor, it's really breaking the "largest practical size" barrier. Never could slap it into any suitcase, normal backpack or a dual gigbag - which very likely would've been possible without the pedal. And which is also possible with the GT-1000 (I used to carry the GT-10 in a dual gigbag, it's even slightly larger than the 1000). On paper, the differences seem pretty small, but in reality, they account for quite some additional hassle. Add to this the huge weight (HX Floor is 6.6kg whereas the GT-1000 is 3.6), which will likely destroy many bags after a while. Saving around 1kg for the (pretty massive) EXP would help a lot here, too.
Really, for me, the difference between transporting the GTs vs. the HX Floor would be like "grab'n'go" vs. "oh no, not that thing again!".
I was fine with the Floor while I had it, though. But never again (even if the size isn't exactly a deciding factor...).
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I keep thinking someone will eventually come out with a Lego-like system where you have a main brain block onto which you can snap on blocks of footswitches and EPs in different configurations. Or even connect multiple brain blocks....

This would be pretty awesome. Most companies are selling footswitch configurations that are also tied to underlying processing power too. (FM3/9, Stomp/XL/Helix) A modular approach could let you sink your money where you want it. (Power or FS or EP or IO or TS UI) It would probably be a manufacturing and/or development nightmare, though L6 already has a million SKU’s. :unsure:
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C'mon guys, the Helix isn't small, but it's also not an aircraft carrier - it's just about the same size as a Pedaltrain Classic which is probably one of the most common board sizes out there - I'd be willing to bet that is not an accident and was a very intentional design decision for a pedalboard/rig replacement device.
C'mon guys, the Helix isn't small, but it's also not an aircraft carrier - it's just about the same size as a Pedaltrain Classic which is probably one of the most common board sizes out there - I'd be willing to bet that is not an accident and was a very intentional design decision for a pedalboard/rig replacement device.

While true, there's other devices being less bulky.
C'mon guys, the Helix isn't small, but it's also not an aircraft carrier

I was (pleasantly) surprised when i bought a Helix Floor again recently, because i remembered it being massive and... it's ok? Yeah, it's not as backpack friendly as, say, a QC. But it can still be transported easily, and has about the perfect dimensions for a gigging floorboard.

What i did remember right is how *&#$ heavy the thing is, thou. Built like a freaking tank in every sense - including mass :LOL: I'd kill for a full-DSP Helix in a smaller, lighter form factor.