Helix Talk

I'm interested in the low end thing too. All of my presets sound way bassier at home than at the rehearsal place, having a Headrush fr108 there and a couple of Presonus Eris 3.5 at home.

I first trimmed the bass on the Eris, but then I tried them with some music and it was too much cut. I left them at a reasonable bass level.

The Headrush has the contour off (fully flat) and there's no change at the Helix LT global EQ.

I'm aware two different monitors can't sounds the same, but it's weird that the Presonus, having speakers 5 inches smaller than the Headrush, sound way bassier.

I'm the end, I just add an eq in Studio One on every Helix track and cut the bass, but I don't think that's the actual solution.

And regarding levels at home, the interface input doesn't clip and the Helix input level it's around -14.

I mean, I can workaround the issue, but I'd like my presets made at home to sound closer in the rehearsal place to what I do at home.
I'm aware two different monitors can't sounds the same, but it's weird that the Presonus, having speakers 5 inches smaller than the Headrush, sound way bassier.

I have the Eris as well. It's very likely that you're running into some room issues and that there's some resonances due to the room and how it reflects (same here). Unfortunately there's very little you can do against it unless you're willing to spend quite some time and money and have the space (bass traps need space...). Which is why I'm doing anything mission critical via headphones.
I have the Eris as well. It's very likely that you're running into some room issues and that there's some resonances due to the room and how it reflects (same here). Unfortunately there's very little you can do against it unless you're willing to spend quite some time and money and have the space (bass traps need space...). Which is why I'm doing anything mission critical via headphones.
Room modes have minima and maxima; you can strategically position yourself somewhere in between and tune your bass perception that way.
facepalm GIF
I figured there’s got to be one that’sa starting point. But no. There isn’t.
Care to elaborate? This is where a lot of people's issues stem from
Hmmm. I’ve shut everything down. The interface was all the way down and I tried padding the channel in the DAW. I’ve never recorded audio tracks in the DAW before so I’ve got to figure out what I’m doing there.

We can't. All we can do is request people use interfaces with 1M Ohm Hi-Z inputs, preferably those with no gain control. Or, y'know, Line 6 Helix/HX boxes.
I was just hoping the Helix Native plugin would let me try the Helix before having to pick one up. It seems I would have to upgrade my cheap interface or just grab a HX Stomp.
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There are several of them.
I'm guessing either very specific needs and wants, or (very possible) weak monitoring, or (most probable) user error.

My interface has an instrument input impedance of 500k ohms. A higher input impedance of 1M ohms is recommended/required. I’m not sure it makes sense to buy a different interface as I can just buy an HX Stomp and skip all this stuff that I’ll never use again.

I think I’m out on this one.
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I figured there’s got to be one that’sa starting point. But no. There isn’t.
They're all a starting point...Presets in the guitar/modeling world are not like presets in the keyboard world because there's too much variation between guitars & listening environments. Presets in the HELIX (or any other modeler) are great for learning about different amps & the sounds they produce, signal routing capabilities, fx usage/levels/parameters, etc., fx order, snapshot capabilities, etc.

For the most part, it's rare to have a preset sound great without needing some kind of tweaking... But, you have to know why you're turning that knob, OOPS, I mean sliding that slider :clint:crazy:clintor it's all a waste. With tweaking every preset can sound listenable on your system, likeable is another story & is personal preference.

Have a good one,

They're all a starting point...
Yeah, but the best one is “Clear all blocks”. I’ll try again today and pad the track down to nothing. But I do think I’d be better served with a hardware helix.

3EO, I’ve worked with modeling before but it was very early COSM. I ran a Roland GP-100 from 1996-2016 (something like that). Endless tweaking, only ever used 2 patches in real life. The cleans were great, the dirty tones mostly sucked. After that I got a Marshall tube amp, a revelation. I’ve got to much stuff and am hoping to simplify with a Helix something or other as they’re finally good representations.
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Ok, I’m on to something. Padding wasn’t working as I thought it would because the gate in the input host is set way too high in every preset. It was just cutting out. Raising the pad a little and turning down the gate threshold helps a lot.

The Sag parameter is a caricature of reality. Almost sounds like an autowah. You have to drag that down to 2 or less.

I now have a better representation of what the Helix is though. Thanks for the tips!
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I usually leave it at 5.0, unless I really want to add sag or a tad of tight/dry/stiff "feel".

I usually start with Sag at 0 because I think my real life amps never sagged much, either (I always preferred lotsa clean headroom). But especially on clean and clean-ish sounds, I sometimes just turn it up some as it's resulting in a little bit of neat compression.