Getting a tone and a groove.

Can drum machines groove?

Or, can musicians playing to a drum machine groove to the non-grooviness of an unperturbed machine?

Can drum machines groove?

Or, can musicians playing to a drum machine groove to the non-grooviness of an unperturbed machine?

Happy Star Trek GIF
I'd rather watch 45 minutes of KDH digging out made up Youtube drama while whipping his hair, followed by 2 hours of Sadites explaining why we must use compressor at the end - daily, than watch this pompous fart and his "all new music sucks, buy my book of chords" - monthly.
I'd rather watch footage of myself taking a shit, but in reverse, than any diatribe by Beato.
I'd rather watch 45 minutes of KDH digging out made up Youtube drama while whipping his hair, followed by 2 hours of Sadites explaining why we must use compressor at the end - daily, than watch this pompous fart and his "all new music sucks, buy my book of chords" - monthly.
This guy is irritating af