By asking that question, you've already agreed to my premise. If I post something that I think grooves, and you disagree, where is that going to leave us? It'll be one of two places:
1 - You'll assert that you're right, and I'm wrong and that I don't know the first thing about groove. And that aint gonna be a pleasant exchange of viewpoints when it is all said and done.
2 - You'll agree that it is groovy, even if it isn't your thing, and thus my position of groove being subjective will be proven true.
There's literally no point in continuing this conversation until you define your terms. I tell you what though, I did find this after a quick 30 second search: - unfortunately the full article is hidden behind a paywall.
Also I have to say, I was really really REALLY hoping that this place wasn't going to turn into a cesspit of people trying to one-up each other. There's plenty of that idiocy over at TGP and - they're doing well more than their fair share. We simply don't have to.