Fractal users with a Tonex?


I love my FM9.

I also like thinking about pedalboards as an alternative tone and effect palette.

The Tonex looks to be a real contender in terms of credible amp tones.

Any Fractal users with a Tonex? And does the Tonex hold up against Fractal amp modeling?

p.s I won't be creating profiles. Buy them? Sure...if they sound good.
I have a dual Tonex One pedalboard that I will most likely be selling. Ever since I got my FM9, I haven't even wanted to touch my pedalboard. In terms of "feel" which is subjective of course, I think Tonex is incredible, very amp like and a nice tight low end on good amalgam profiles. I would even say Tonex may beat out Fractal by a % or two, but I can't really tell. Either way, I love the tones I get out of the FM9, and the fact that I don't play Tonex any more speaks to my choice. No other piece of gear makes me smile like the Fractal.

I even made a small single Tonex pedalboard as backup, decided I didn't like it and would rather get an FM3 if I needed a backup.

That being said, if you are heavily invested in pedals already, Tonex is the way to go. All in one rig? 100% Fractal. Open to any change despite being invested in pedals or not, I still say Fractal.

One more thing, if you go Tonex pedalboard, don't include an HX stomp or Effects like I kept trying... it definitely kills the "amp feel" that is the main selling point of going Tonex.
the thought of folder diving to find a tone i want is a nightmare for me, i hated folder diving for IR
I cant imagine doing the same thing for amps or pedals or anything else.....
the thought of folder diving to find a tone i want is a nightmare for me, i hated folder diving for IR
I cant imagine doing the same thing for amps or pedals or anything else.....
Same here.
1. My 1st Tonex I bought when they just come out, though wow its sound good, then the software was a true nightmare, I can’t believe anyone can design the music software with such nosense workflow and weird clunky design. Sold it after 3 months, bought ton of Amalgam captures, its sound ok not better than my FM9.
2. 2e time I bought Tonex when they came out with more FX. Asked myself to be patient with it and follow all the stupid Input gain bla bla bla on Youtube. I wanted it to be my silent practice rig in my office upstairs.Turn out the effects are very basic, and the software, also scrolling through all the captures make me dizzy, give up after 2 days.
Now they just announce the new Editor software but learned from my lessons, not gonna bite it again.
End of the day its user fault which is myself, other have much more better experience and enjoyment. But its my Tonex experience, they should rename this pedal to be Tonecomplex!!
I love my FM9.

I also like thinking about pedalboards as an alternative tone and effect palette.

The Tonex looks to be a real contender in terms of credible amp tones.

Any Fractal users with a Tonex? And does the Tonex hold up against Fractal amp modeling?

p.s I won't be creating profiles. Buy them? Sure...if they sound good.
Sorry to hijack this thread but id you want to build a pedalboard for fun, look into the Friedman IR-x or IR-d.
I do have IR-x and really like it, no more stupid profiles captures non sense. Tweak, play and enjoy in 5 second
I use a ToneX One as a tube power amp sim with tube preamps, works good for that for me, including in my AFX2 and FM3's FX Loop, and a small pedalboard.
I use a ToneX One as a tube power amp sim with tube preamps, works good for that for me, including in my AFX2 and FM3's FX Loop, and a small pedalboard.
So wait, you’re using a tube preamp, with a ToneX One for power amp, then a Fractal for effects?
So wait, you’re using a tube preamp, with a ToneX One for power amp, then a Fractal for effects?
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