Fractal Talk

Came home from a vacation today and plugged into the fm3 for the first time in over 2 weeks.

Coming in with fresh ears having not played for a few weeks and listening to the sounds I was building was interesting.
  1. I still love my weird Fender-Plexi amp. It sounds as good as I remember.
  2. Still love the Mostortion and it will probably be the basis for my rig for the next show
  3. Still love the Mostortion stacked with the Nobles
  4. All the drive pedals still sound better than they used to
Came home from a vacation today and plugged into the fm3 for the first time in over 2 weeks.

Coming in with fresh ears having not played for a few weeks and listening to the sounds I was building was interesting.
  1. I still love my weird Fender-Plexi amp. It sounds as good as I remember.
  2. Still love the Mostortion and it will probably be the basis for my rig for the next show
  3. Still love the Mostortion stacked with the Nobles
  4. All the drive pedals still sound better than they used to

After the FW Update I also noticed the drives also sound better
  • Still love the Mostortion stacked with the Nobles

    Have you spoken to Cheech ? (@duzie)

Getting a kick out of the gymnastics on display over at TOP in the never-ending attempt to put Fractal units down. One 30 second clip calls bullshit far more effectively than writing paragraphs about what something can’t do.
I honestly can't think of much fractal can't do 🤣 only think I can think of is captures/profiles. Outside that your mind is the limit
Dontcha know? It simultaneously feels wrong because of an extra 2ms of latency somewhere, and wrong because it doesn't have 12ms latency between modeled gain stages or something or other. It has both too much and too little latency to ever feel real.
Dontcha know? It simultaneously feels wrong because of an extra 2ms of latency somewhere, and wrong because it doesn't have 12ms latency between modeled gain stages or something or other. It has both too much and too little latency to ever feel real.
I mean I totally get if someone prefers another digital device. There are better units out there if for example you want a better UI or form factor. But one of the pros of the fractal line, especially the III, is just the sheer amount of power. However most of probably never come close to its full potential 🤣
Did the recent firmware updates increase DSP usage for some blocks? Sorry, I haven’t been keeping up. I just noticed this comment from the new FM9 Factory Preset post:

“PS: This release is a "preview" for two reasons: first, the firmware is still in beta, and second, some presets may require a bit of CPU reduction to run properly on the original FM9 (the NON-Turbo version.) @AustinBuddy has agreed to check for this; any resulting variants will be released separately.”
Did the recent firmware updates increase DSP usage for some blocks? Sorry, I haven’t been keeping up. I just noticed this comment from the new FM9 Factory Preset post:

“PS: This release is a "preview" for two reasons: first, the firmware is still in beta, and second, some presets may require a bit of CPU reduction to run properly on the original FM9 (the NON-Turbo version.) @AustinBuddy has agreed to check for this; any resulting variants will be released separately.”
That is a little disappointing. They have made some really good gains in reducing CPU usage since the first version of the firmware. It is disappointing to see it go back the other way. I have one of the OG FM9 units. It hasn't been a real issue for me since the early versions of the firmware. I don't use a ton of blocks but I do have a preset that I run two signal paths to be able to run a piezo system through a second signal chain. That one took some creative thinking to get it to work in the early days. After a few firmware releases I was able to put everything I wanted in the signal chains in the first place in it.