Fractal Audio Systems mystery product speculation

What is it not it is? Is it?

  • None of the above

  • Electric sex pants

  • Unsliced Bread

  • JiveTurkey's resolve to "innovate" with audio signal routing

  • Lab grown "safe & guilt-free" toe meat

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I hate FedEx. They always try to deliver early in the morning, require a signature, knock once then leave a note for failed delivery attempt. I don’t even think they knock half the time, I have missed so many deliveries while at home waiting for them. Also the FedEx drivers around here drive like maniacs, speeding, passing on the right, running red lights. UPS have never given me a problem. USPS can be slow but they’re reliable.
You do realize that the recent hurricane has caused national redirects and delays? My recent coffee order has followed a completely abnormal transit and so far, is two days behind schedule.
Yeah, I mentioned this in one of my earlier posts. But I don’t think it has any bearing in this instance. The package made it all the way to its destination when the driver decided to send it back due to an address exception.

My main grip isn’t with the delivery, or even with the unexpected return; it’s with their automated customer service experience, which is outright hostile.
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You do realize that the recent hurricane has caused national redirects and delays? My recent coffee order has followed a completely abnormal transit and so far, is two days behind schedule.
This problem has existed well outside any natural disasters for years. They treat it like a business with normal margins and shit instead of a service that costs money so they cut every corner possible to make money (for somebody, not the people busting ass to actual deliver stuff that makes it to it’s destination).
I hate FedEx. They always try to deliver early in the morning, require a signature, knock once then leave a note for failed delivery attempt. I don’t even think they knock half the time, I have missed so many deliveries while at home waiting for them. Also the FedEx drivers around here drive like maniacs, speeding, passing on the right, running red lights. UPS have never given me a problem. USPS can be slow but they’re reliable.
Always have FedEx packages sent to a hold location. It’s a lot harder for the driver (who is a contractor that’s not even technically a FedEx employee) to pretend they tried and bail.
Sorry, rant over, back to the FAS Electric Sex Pants 4.
Just ignore him. He’s gone full-troll.
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