So my Hifiberry, stating 2.1Vrms (8.6dBu), Will be clipping easily?10dB would be clipping quite often, 8dBu, almost all the time.
I need to verify that value by measuring it (got to install reaper for the Pi and try), given I don't trust too much manufacturers numbers (both Audient and Zoom state different values than I measure in units I own).
I've read in several online sources that guitars are far from reaching those voltages. Might that supposed clipping be due to peak to peak amplitudes being much more wide than what a mean value (RMS) can theoretically expose? In other words, is the Vrms value useful enough or should We look better at Vpp values?
(Somehow, I've got the feeling of just having asked an idiotic question...)
In the app created by Mike Oliphant, there's a meter showing input signal level. Setting out to match NAM expected headroom, I never clip that meter with my PRS humbuckers, even smashing the strings as hard as I can. But I don't really know if that meter has anything to do with actual input stage clipping.