Thank you EVERYONE for your contributions. I truly appreciate it!
I spent a ton of time researching Fractal and Kemper.
I have decided to go with the Kemper, for a few reasons:
1. I don’t ENJOY tweaking. I’m almost 50 years old, and spent my formative years playing through rack gear, combo amps, pedalboards, etc. I’m a “fiddle with the knobs until it sounds good” type of guy, and never ENJOYED any modeler I’ve ever had— various Boss GT units, Pods, Helix (x2), Vox Tonelab, V-Amps, J-Station, etc, etc. Too much time tweaking to get it to sound 90% close to “the real deal” just didn’t satisfy me. It may simply be that I am not skilled enough to know how to duplicate the sounds of my pedalboards and amps with modelers. That’s my fault, not the modeler’s.
I have NO DOUBT, NONE, that Fractal sounds as good or better than anything. However, I came across many videos featuring Kemper Profiles of amps like Fender Blackface and Silverface, 5150, Vintage Marshalls, where it sounded EXACTLY like the real amp!
I have yet to find a Fractal Video where the amp tone is IDENTICAL to what I have been used to playing. Not saying it isn’t POSSIBLE to create identical amp tones, I just couldn’t find those videos. I found many that showcased ambient sounds and delays/verbs which absolutely blew me away. However, I’m most interested in raw amp tones, with effects being secondary.
2. The Kemper is cheaper, and there is no wait to get one.
3. My favorite amp I have ever owned was a Gibson Lab Series L5. (Had two of them.) As a HUGE Ty Tabor fan, the fact that I can get profiles of this exact amp is amazing to me!
4. No lag when switching presets, and no NEED to create dual amp paths or use any programming hacks to make it happen; just instant channel switching.
Part of my style is sort of like Eric Johnson, where I like to switch back and forth between clean chording and high gain leads— like the intro to his first REH video.
So instant switching (EASY instant switching,) is a HUGE plus for me.
So, there’s my reasoning.
I think that I’ll be more pleased with the Kemper than any modeler I’ve ever owned. And if I can’t get the sound I want out of it, then there’s no point in trying anything else— I might just be an old fart with no technical aptitude!
I should get my Kemper by Friday, so with any luck, I’ll post back again next Saturday to share my thoughts.
Thanks again everyone, and I hope this new gear does it for me!