Boss Katana Artist MKIII 1X12 Combo


Well guys,

I guess I’m on another splurge and purge spree where I get rid of “older” gear (self-justifying hyperbole for sure) and buy new stuff. Sometimes it is a 1) completely new functionality that I didn’t have before, 2) sometimes it is a refinement of previous gear I own and 3) sometimes it’s just a new rev or version of something that I already have. Somehow I managed to hit all three over the course of three days. In the order presented above they are as follows:

1) The WAZA Amp Expander which I’ve shared in another thread
2)! Selling my 6L6 based 100W and 50W EVH 5150 III heads to get a 50W 5150 III EL-34 head which sounds like it is killer and more up my alley
3) Selling my Boss Katana Artist MKII to pre-order the same but in the new MKIII version hoping that the new feature set is worthwhile. I’m especially interested in the new advanced Tube Logic used in the power amp section, the new “pushed” amp character, bloom and other nice sounding add-ons or tweaks.

I guess I went kinda all out while in the hospital and set myself up for things to look forward to upon my release. It’s called GAD (gear acquisition diseases. I asked the Docs and Nurses but there is no cure. Here’s an appropriate song that celebrates and embraces matters such as this:

The plan is for the SS Katana to be my always on amp in the living room (while I am there) so I can grab the guitar at anytime to play a riff in my head, noodle around or play along with commercial and movie music or just jam along with my streaming services playing on my home theater. This will save the tube life on my other amps and be easy to get going at anytime. I’ll break out the tube amps for jams with others, recording or just wanting the real deal. Bi bought the Bluetooth module too so I can play along with my iPhone or iPad. Got the fancy foot switch too for this scenario. Ought to get me to play a bit more often and broaden my horizons into different genres and styles by playing along with stuff on the TV.