Anybody else getting sick of modellers?

I never said it was an issue, but clearly you could hear a difference, otherwise even a minor tweak wouldn't have been required.

For you it is the end result that counts. So it is for myself and the OP.

But that isn't what the topic of discussion is when we talk about hearing differences or not. That is a question of objective data, and thus something that can be measured; hence Sascha's quip about graphs.

If you enjoy it. More power to you. But as soon as you try to claim that it sounds the same a real valve amp (without providing evidence I might add), there will always be some wanker like me who will pop up to make a fuss about it. Such is life.
To me the topic is about getting good results, and wether digital can contribute and give equal results to the ear…it can.

I’ll give you one objective datapoint: there is one person on this planet that hears no difference beteeen captured preamp and preamp ran into the same powersection…sure I might have dialed the guan knob…not even sure I did. Doesn’t matter.

I don’t need to prove it…maybe I’m deaf, maybe I lie…take it for what it is. Besides that…the internet is cluttered with comparisons in which nobody passes the “spot the amp by ear teat’
Played a reunion gig with my (very old) metal band last night.

Spent a bit of time sorting out my QC rig beforehand ready for the show. Tried a bunch of amps in there, sounded pretty good. Also a few decent captures.
Yeah, I mean, it doesn't matter what rig you're going to be using. If the thought process is "Hey, I've got a gig coming up, I should try out a whole bunch of amps to figure out which one I'll use" then the amp that you've used extensively prior to the gig is always going to win out.
To be fair the patch I set up was perfectly usable, don’t get me wrong, I know how to dial in a tone just fine.

It was just a lot easier and less time consuming and annoying to just use the amp, which ended up sounding better anyway.
To be fair the patch I set up was perfectly usable, don’t get me wrong, I know how to dial in a tone just fine.

It was just a lot easier and less time consuming and annoying to just use the amp, which ended up sounding better anyway.
That's what I don't get.

My live patches are set. I plug it in and turn it on.

Can't get any less "time consuming" than that.

But if you're preferring amps, go for it
I'm having too much fun with a big pedalboard going into a Twin model in the AxeFx.
Any pics of said pedalboard

Dave Chappelle Omg GIF
They get tweaked at rehearsal (at full volume, with the band) over time, like I said.

Not before a show.
That’s not my point, I can make a live preset, I know how it works.

My point is it’s a pain in the arse and time consuming to make them compared to just using an amp.

It doesn’t matter if they were made in 2019 and tweaked at rehearsal for evermore or if they were made during line check 5 minutes before show time.
That’s not my point, I can make a live preset, I know how it works.

My point is it’s a pain in the arse and time consuming to make them compared to just using an amp.

It doesn’t matter if they were made in 2019 and tweaked at rehearsal for evermore or if they were made during line check 5 minutes before show time.
...but if you made one that sounded great, you could use it over and over without tweaking it. That's the beauty of digital. Repeatability.

Again, If your tube amps sound better than your presets, then use what works for you

Is it that they have to be lighter or save time or be easier or more convenient or whatever? Is it possible to just view them the same and treat them same?

I use my helix basically as a pedal board that has amp sims and effects into the fx return of a 5153 into a 4x12. Not exactly saving a bunch of weight or trips loading gear or time or even a huge benefit over pedals... I just like it more and I still have all my pedals and have A/B'd them several times within the same exact rig to compare evenly.

Everyone always says it's not the device... it's how you hear it. More speakers and tubes are almost always going to be better.

I think lots of times people try to make comparisons and change too many other variables so they use false data to arrive at the wrong conclusions.
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