Anybody else getting sick of modellers?

You're in the 'rediscovering amps' phase, it's a natural part of being a modeler owner.

You will soon find that you need a huge pedalboard with expensive pedals too.

Don't sell the modeler, it has its place.
Yeah exactly like me!
And after I started to wire a new pedalboard with switcher, buffer, effects etc. my four year old daughter came and ask:“ Daddy what are you doing!“
And I said:“ I’m wiring a new pedalboard with a lot of expensive stuff that I already have in my FM9 to use it with an expensive amp that I have also in my FM9!“
Me… sold everything and stayed with the FM9 :rofl

It’s great to play an amp and a cabinet but I discovered that with two little children four years and six month, I don’t have the possibility to crank up a tube amp and a cabinet.
So I invested in a serious good pair of custom molded IEMs and that besides my Fractal was the best invest in gear that I eve did.
Amps sound good. Modelers sound good. We're blessed with lots of ways to sound good these days and we should be able to recognize what would be best and adapt. If it's a situation where just direct into an amp is the best solution and you can move some air with lots of volume... do that. If a modeler or a hybrid rig would be better use that. If they want a silent stage be able to go direct that way too. Flexibility and not getting bogged down into only one way - being able to dial in good tones based on the situation in front of you is the way to be.
This is no joke. I'm on the out-swing of rediscovering amps and pedals's been a month since I've plugged into anything but my AxeFX.
It has been a month+ since I fired my tube amps too, I'm having too much fun with a big pedalboard going into a Twin model in the AxeFx.

I'll admit, it has been a while since I was excited for a new modeler firmware, I think I'm reaching equilibrium.
But did you do graphs? Because without, you're not allowed saying so!
lol…I’ll leave that up to others ;)
It’s a good way to objectify if capturing delivers when you are not in the room. In my mind Kemper/tonex/qc all do the trick if you go by ear.

Wether it gives good endresult…to me that’s about the user…and the powersection and cab.

I deliberately choose to only use digital stuff/captures I also own the analog version of…makes it easier when that “is digital really there” period hits the calendar…and I’m always back into the same corner after comparisons.

That said, to me the powersection and cab remain the most important part…which are oldschool tubes and speaker.
I'm honestly not missing mine too much after selling all my hardware units. I don't mind that my pedalboard, amp and cabs are much more fixed and limited because the tones are great.

At the same time, I don't miss 20+ kg tube amps either.
It’s the end result that counts.
Gain differences are easily caused by settings in a chain,,,and easily compensated…so a non issue.
I didn’t notice any differences in the highs.
I never said it was an issue, but clearly you could hear a difference, otherwise even a minor tweak wouldn't have been required.

For you it is the end result that counts. So it is for myself and the OP.

But that isn't what the topic of discussion is when we talk about hearing differences or not. That is a question of objective data, and thus something that can be measured; hence Sascha's quip about graphs.

If you enjoy it. More power to you. But as soon as you try to claim that it sounds the same a real valve amp (without providing evidence I might add), there will always be some wanker like me who will pop up to make a fuss about it. Such is life.
I get it. I’m also in the “amps were so much easier” phase right now.

  1. Amps were so much easier!
  2. Sell digital gear and buy amp
  3. Amp rigs are so expensive and complicated! I have to buy so many pieces and build such a big rig to cover everything.
  4. Digital was so much easier!
  5. Sell amp rig and buy digital
  6. Digital rigs take so long to dial in! They don’t sound as good, they’re not as fun to play and I have to figure out how to hear myself.
  7. Back to step #1
  8. Repeat
The bigger point of discussion here is ... how fucking amazedicks is the Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier?? About twelve bags of fucking amazedicks. That's how amazedicks it is.
It’s fucking killer! And I’ve got the internets most hated version, still sounds like it’s got big balls to me
And I’ve got the internets most hated version.



I actually felt the opposite
I used a blackstar tube amp at the rehearsal hall last week and honestly thought man I miss my Axe fx
I mean it was a Blackstar but the clean felt flat and sterile and the Drive channel was decent but nothing that made me too excited maybe a Boogie would have been a different story
modelling is a compromise. sometimes it doesn’t matter, sometimes the compromises make more sense.

Amps are steak. Modelling is the ethical vegan alternative that makes you an annoying bore.


Amps are cinema, modelling is watching youtube on your phone.

I use both, and probably modelling at least as much as real amps. But real amps sound better, are more fun, less faff, cooler, more interesting, more exciting.
Yeah. I’m done with modelers. My run was -18 to -23. Tried mixing it with pedals now and then but was mostly 100% HX. For me it wasn’t about sounds or feel. I just miss being limited to using a few simple specific things and being creative with that. So I’m back to pedals, but this time no real amp. Haven’t decided yet, but leaning towards an amp sim pedal of sorts.
Yeah. I’m done with modelers. My run was -18 to -23. Tried mixing it with pedals now and then but was mostly 100% HX. For me it wasn’t about sounds or feel. I just miss being limited to using a few simple specific things and being creative with that. So I’m back to pedals, but this time no real amp. Haven’t decided yet, but leaning towards an amp sim pedal of sorts.
If your going that route maybe check out the Freidman IRx or Blug stuff