Amp in a box - for warm tube sound - for Jazz/Swing and Rockabilly


Recommendations for an amp-in-a-box for home use - connecting to Headphones and an 8" speaker/cabinet?

Looking to spend under $300 (used).

There seems to be a lot of these on the market - but which really sound like a tube amp? And have the ability to "break up" at lower volumes?

If you’re including used gear on your list, you have a lot of choices. Any particular size of pedal? Do you need reverb? Want other effects?
Blonde is primarily based on the Blonde and Blackface tones and uses sans amp technology. Only thing it lacks is a dedicated headphone out. It can run a signal to PAs, interfaces and Mixers so if you have one of those that may help? I think the stock Sansamp would be cool too. I just thought more blonde given the genres you mentioned and that rockabilly in particular has an affinity for blonde and black panel fenders.
i like tech 21 pedals okay- i have a leeds and it does a pretty decent hiwatt imitation. joyo makes a decent version of the whole line if you want to cut cost even further just to try out the premise.

i actually think theyre way more usable for a wider array of tones than small watt tube amps, which unless you get a great one, just sound kinda craptastic to my ears.
Blonde is primarily based on the Blonde and Blackface tones and uses sans amp technology. Only thing it lacks is a dedicated headphone out. It can run a signal to PAs, interfaces and Mixers so if you have one of those that may help? I think the stock Sansamp would be cool too. I just thought more blonde given the genres you mentioned and that rockabilly in particular has an affinity for blonde and black panel fenders.

This is good. Have tried it in a store.

Something like this + a simple reverb pedal (RV-5, Neunaber wet etc.) will sound beautiful.

There seem to be some chinese adapters at online marketplaces which you can supposedly use to connect such an output with an headphone.