A lot of people will disagree with my hardware modeler ranking

Plus there's that new Fractal product?????
Wow, I didn't get any notifications for a few days. I have a lot of catching up to do!
You’ve been on guitar digital modeler forums for a decent amount of time over the last recent years so you should have read this stuff already many, many, many times.
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I only brought up versioning as it is a personal pain point for me and for those not privy to the ecosystem, they now know about it. I don't expect it to be important to everyone and in the grand scheme of things, it doesn't top my list either.
Others will have their list of must haves be it button count, button functionality, amp authenticity. Effects, effects routing...it goes on and on.

But for the record, tuning 1000 presets at this pace made me power down my FAS stuff and buy a TMP. Off to upgrade my Fm9 to v8, 😀

December 1st 2023- fw23.04
December 5th - fw23.05
December 21st - fw24.01
December 29th - fw24.02
December 29th - fw24.03
January 16th 2024 - fw24.04
February 2nd - fw24.05
April 9th - fw25.0
April 15th - fw25.01
May 2nd - fw25.02
May 24th - fw25.03
May 30th - fw25.04
June 28th - fw26.0
July 26th - fw26.01
Aug 30th** - fw27
Kemper's architecture seems to lend itself to being nearly completely immune to tone changes when the firmware is updated. The architecture is only part of it though. Part of it is the company philosophy. When new delays were introduced, the old ones were still there untouched. Same for other features. When improvements to the capture were introduced, it didn't effect the captures you already had in your setup. As a result, I have never had a tonal change from a firmware update .... and I have owned the Kemper since 2013.

It may be that the difference between a "modeler" and a "profiler" may make this easier for Kemper to do; however, it seems to me that Fractal doesn't expend much effort to prevent tonal changes in existing setups. It almost seems the opposite in some cases. I have a few friends that are running the Axe III Fx that have expressed their frustration that they can't get bug fixes and new features without re-setup of their gig rig. 2 of the 3 guys I know that have the Axe have 2 of them so they update one and then use the un-updated one as a reference when they update.

Again, it is a valid concern if you use your rig to gig with and maintaining specific tones is important to you across your setup.
Man, this is some really over-thought conversation. Maybe yall need to play some guitar or something.
There is a lot of truth to that! At the end of the day, we are talking about some pretty good sounding devices here with capabilities that were simply unheard of (or eve dreamt about) when I was a kid.

Still, for some, thinking is an enjoyable exercise too. I certainly don't want to discourage it :)