A lot of people will disagree with my hardware modeler ranking

Yup. True.

Alas, crying is a full-time occupation for some, and then they double down with it
being a favourite pasttime after all those work hours spent crying. :bonk

I am really put off by the online guitar community at the moment. I know
real struggle--as I suspect many of us do---and having to rework presets is
not anywhere close to real struggle. Nor is the ream of issues coming from
the folks who seem to turn everything to shit that they touch. What a gift! :LOL:

We live in a literal Golden Age. Getting out of our own fucking way and
realizing this is 99.9% of the challenge.

#cryingaboutthecrying :rofl
Amen To That Preach GIF by Shalita Grant
Just to put this in perspective, can someone post a touring guitarist on a big stage using ONLY a 3 button digital amplifier?
Ahh…now you introduce “only” and “big stage” as criteria ;)
Uhh…I think Manteo Mancuso uses a stomp on fly dates every now and then.
But, irrelevant..obviously those 3 knobs are more often used together with some pedals…and then there’s quite a few I can think of, so I expect boatloads in total.

As far as I can see, the last decades, there has been a shift in touring from driving lorries, to vans, and “drive yourself and bring your own s**t”.
Pa s are more compact, silent stages reduce the amount of gear…it’s no longer needed in many cases to have heavy logistics. So that drives the use of more compact solutions for guitar players also.
Yup. True.

Alas, crying is a full-time occupation for some, and then they double down with it
being a favourite pasttime after all those work hours spent crying. :bonk

I am really put off by the online guitar community at the moment. I know
real struggle--as I suspect many of us do---and having to rework presets is
not anywhere close to real struggle. Nor is the ream of issues coming from
the folks who seem to turn everything to shit that they touch. What a gift! :LOL:

We live in a literal Golden Age. Getting out of our own fucking way and
realizing this is 99.9% of the challenge.

#cryingaboutthecrying :rofl
We are gear spoiled for sure. It's very hard for me to complain and nitpick about features considering what you get for the money, especially with modelers. Honest feedback can be good, but a lot of guys get really carried away expecting a perfect piece of gear (not gonna happen) and never seem satisfied. I'd rather put that passion more directly into the music/creative side of things than spend an exorbitant amount of effort on technical aspects. I've done more than enough of that in the past, there's only so much time we have, right? But this is the GEAR forum so whatevs. :ROFLMAO:
I'm not suggesting that the improvements to Helix Core in 3.80 will be massive, nor that we'll even specify what's changing/improving. Only that the engine has continued to be refined over time—sometimes notably—so anyone claiming we're running 9-year-old tech is spouting nonsense. There's some trickery afoot with how we improve things without affecting people's presets and we'd rather wave our hands with a "nothing to see here." The next time around we may just say screw it, let's make any improvements obvious.

Similarly, many have mistakenly claimed BOSS never improved their modeling until AIRD because everything before was called "COSM."
IMHO, if you make improvements to the underlying modelling, oversampling improvements, lower aliasing, whatever it is... I think you should make quite a song and dance about it.
Regarding preset changes with updates, I mean, I have read a few die hard Fractal users complain about this, (including a close friend, who is very "cult-like" with Fractal), and with me being more in the HX camp, and NOT having to deal with it, given the choice, I'd rather NOT.

When you take your car in for service, and they completely jack up the seat position, sure, you can "just adjust it back to your position", (if you can find it, that is), but now that we have memory positions, isn't that A LOT more convenient? One is NOT as easy as the other.

Being an HX user, I can see the PITA in that. I don't want my device sounding different, every time there is an update, or want to have to go in and "figure out" what is different, or figure out how to get it back to where I had it.
Regarding preset changes with updates, I mean, I have read a few die hard Fractal users complain about this, (including a close friend, who is very "cult-like" with Fractal), and with me being more in the HX camp, and NOT having to deal with it, given the choice, I'd rather NOT.

When you take your car in for service, and they completely jack up the seat position, sure, you can "just adjust it back to your position", (if you can find it, that is), but now that we have memory positions, isn't that A LOT more convenient? One is NOT as easy as the other.

Being an HX user, I can see the PITA in that. I don't want my device sounding different, every time there is an update, or want to have to go in and "figure out" what is different, or figure out how to get it back to where I had it.
IMO, after an update, or anytime for that matter, if you can’t just grab the BMT knobs of the amp model and find your tone, then you’re doing it wrong…or got the wrong amp….or both.
Regarding preset changes with updates, I mean, I have read a few die hard Fractal users complain about this, (including a close friend, who is very "cult-like" with Fractal), and with me being more in the HX camp, and NOT having to deal with it, given the choice, I'd rather NOT.

When you take your car in for service, and they completely jack up the seat position, sure, you can "just adjust it back to your position", (if you can find it, that is), but now that we have memory positions, isn't that A LOT more convenient? One is NOT as easy as the other.

Being an HX user, I can see the PITA in that. I don't want my device sounding different, every time there is an update, or want to have to go in and "figure out" what is different, or figure out how to get it back to where I had it.

My concern wouldn't be the sound change, but if the updated blocks required more DSP than before and I could no longer run a preset.
IMO, after an update, or anytime for that matter, if you can’t just grab the BMT knobs of the amp model and find your tone, then you’re doing it wrong…or got the wrong amp….or both. View attachment 27471
This isnt just a BMT thing though and I know Cliff is determined to make everything as close as possible to the real amps.
New preamp, cathode follower and power amp algorithms are not just BMT related.
I know how you all feel and that's fine. The main issue in my post was that blocks are not updated automatically, so out of your 1024 presets you can have tons with updated blocks (manually performed) and tons that arent...and yes, my unit is booked full of both presets and IRs.
Maybe Cliff will slow down with the updates..maybe not..its up to him but the past 6 months has been one of his more active periods. I upgraded to 27 then backed down to 25. I simply dont have the time to rework everything again right now.
Regardless, bring on the hate.
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I imagine you have to readjust presets to account for your venue about the same as what you have to adjust after an update?
I adjust the presence and volume knob on my amp powering the Celestion cabs. Or the level and cut knob on the FR12. That's it. I never touch the presets themselves at a gig.
This isnt just a BMT thing though and I know Cliff is determined to make everything as close as possible to the real amps.
New preamp, cathode follower and power amp algorithms are not just BMT related.
I know how you all feel and that's fine. The main issue in my post was that blocks are not updated automatically, so out of your 1024 presets you can have tons with updated blocks (manually performed) and tons that arent...and yes, my unit is booked full of both presets and IRs.
Maybe Cliff will slow down with the updates..maybe not..its up to him but the past 6 months has been one of his more active periods.
Regardless, bring on the hate.
Hate? Damn bro….you got that outta what I wrote? You do you mang…….
Hate? Damn bro….you got that outta what I wrote? You do you mang…….View attachment 27487
no worries. I knew I would get slammed by certain folks.
In a thread where we're comparing modeler rankings, I was just throwing the versioning topic in the mix. FAS work harder than most and in so doing affect people's presets similarly. Conversely you could argue that other vendors don't even bother to improve/update their systems at all. No preset re-management needed but also no improvements either.
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