Dear Mooer: Re-release the Mooer VI Tender Octaver so I can buy it for a bill. I want one sound out of the GD thing. EHX is dumb.
One of life’s great mysteries. Its basically the same price as the micro pog. I need to try the Boss OC-5 but you don’t see many people using it.
Dear Mooer: Re-release the Mooer VI Tender Octaver so I can buy it for a bill. I want one sound out of the GD thing. EHX is dumb.

I have the Mooer pure octave, I'm not sure how similar that is. Same boat, I used to have a full sized POG but there is exactly one sound (that I only use occasionally) that I wanted from it and it was way too expensive and overkill so I let it go.
I have the Mooer pure octave, I'm not sure how similar that is. Same boat, I used to have a full sized POG but there is exactly one sound (that I only use occasionally) that I wanted from it and it was way too expensive and overkill so I let it go.
Full size POG takes up a TON of room. I don't trust EHX pedals really at all, either. So there's that as well.