The night sky has a certain association for me that 30 years on I've still not shifted;
When I was a kid (4 to 7 years old) I lived in Australia, and we had a couple of family holidays that involved long, long drives through the outback. I remember looking up at the night sky from the dark back seat of the car and being amazed by the stars, my little mind getting lost between the vast dark desert and the riot of constellations overhead as my little brothers slept and the car seemed to just hang in space.
One of the reasons I didn't like coming back to England; there are just less stars in the northern hemisphere. And it's cloudy so often. And it's shit. Fuck England.
Scotland, however, has saved the day on occasion. In March 2020 we stayed in an old hunting lodge, far up a remote valley in the highlands west of Inverness. There was one particularly cold, clear night. The air was crisp, and as soon as we stepped outside and turned out the lights we could see everything - it was like our eyes instantly adjusted. Every star, every satellite sailing overhead, it was astounding.