Which amp? Asking for a... friend.

Which one?

  • 5150

    Votes: 9 56.3%
  • JEL-20

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • other (under 1,700)

    Votes: 5 31.3%

  • Total voters
Halloween Working Out GIF by Peloton
The JEL-20 has intrigued me, I like the features and all the clips I've heard so far. It has a nice plexi style clean but also has the higher gain modded Marshall thing too. The 5150 sound will be more refined which is good, I like that tight percussive thing although I've not put much time in to that sound, other than maybe the Peavey Duel Twotwelve i used to own.

Both these amps have effects loops which is a plus. I don't mind the 20 watt of the Friedman, it would be enough for most things if I were to gig it. But I'm kind of torn to be honest, I do know I want a nice little amp with some versatility though. I'm leaning towards the JEL-20 a bit more atm.
The JEL-20 has intrigued me, I like the features and all the clips I've heard so far. It has a nice plexi style clean but also has the higher gain modded Marshall thing too. The 5150 sound will be more refined which is good, I like that tight percussive thing although I've not put much time in to that sound, other than maybe the Peavey Duel Twotwelve i used to own.

Both these amps have effects loops which is a plus. I don't mind the 20 watt of the Friedman, it would be enough for most things if I were to gig it. But I'm kind of torn to be honest, I do know I want a nice little amp with some versatility though. I'm leaning towards the JEL-20 a bit more atm.

I'm all about those Plexi to modded JCM800 tones. I was so close to pulling
the trigger on the JEL-20. But my experience with needing headroom and
anything under 30 watts dissuaded me. But that's me. Not you. :idk

Also, @cragginshred has gone through a bunch of Marshall variants from
Friedman and other brands. He'd be a great resource to pull from in your
decision-making. Even if your mind is already made up. :LOL:
The reality is, I could build my own but my free time lately is taken up with other things. I'd prefer to use that time playing even though I do enjoy working on amps. I like form factor of the 2 OP amps, they're not too big and I have enough speakers cabs to pair up with.
I'm all about those Plexi to modded JCM800 tones. I was so close to pulling
the trigger on the JEL-20. But my experience with needing headroom and
anything under 30 watts dissuaded me. But that's me. Not you. :idk

Also, @cragginshred has gone through a bunch of Marshall variants from
Friedman and other brands. He'd be a great resource to pull from in your
decision-making. Even if your mind is already made up. :LOL:
Maybe I should get both? :grin
Cool thanks. Just listening a bit it reminds of the way my old bandmate's JCM800 combo used to sit in the mix. It's got some nice hair on the notes without being harsh.
Get what makes you happy, FA! And fuck the lot of us and our chronic "know betterisms." :LOL:

And a healthy return/exchange policy may be your best friend in this. :idk
Yeah, just curious what the fellow Borg thought. :LOL:
I'm kinda leaning towards the Runt 20 now.